本文选题:职务发明制度 切入点:中韩对比 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:One of the purposes of the patent system is to promote the implementation of invention and creation, from the original invention patent to the individual ownership, to the continuous development of science and technology and the gradual complication of invention, and now the completion of invention not only depends on knowledge and technology. It also requires the organic cooperation of many researchers, and the support of equipment, materials, funds, information, laboratories and other material technologies. Therefore, it is becoming less and less likely that researchers and developers in society will be able to complete their inventions and creations on their own. In order to perfect the system of job inventions in our country, we should refer to the legislative experience of other countries in order to carry out the tasks of the units or to complete the invention and creation by using the material and technical conditions of the units. In the light of the national conditions of our country, we should adjust the relevant invention identification of the unit task, define the right attribution of the invention, clarify the scope of the rights and obligations of the parties, and improve the procedure and substantive content of the person protecting the rights and interests. To achieve the goal of encouraging units and inventors to invest in the implementation and completion of technological innovation. From the introduction of relevant job invention systems in Korea, this paper combines the problem points of our country's job invention system. It is hoped that the relevant regulations of Korea can be used for reference to supplement and perfect the system of our country. For this reason, this article begins with an introduction to explain the necessity of perfecting the system of job invention and the fact that the situation is similar to that of the law of revitalization of invention in Korea. In the first part, we first outlined the general concept of the general system of job invention. The first section introduces the concepts of job invention in the general and legal sense, and the second section deals with the value orientation of the system of job invention, which includes the position of employer and employee doctrine and the way of compensation. And the third section describes the legislative model of the system of job invention, briefly describes the legislation of duty invention in various countries, and expounds in detail the unified and separate legislation of the system of job invention in Korea. Finally, the necessity of separate legislation of the job invention system in our country is discussed. The second part mainly summarizes the establishment elements of the job invention system in Korea from the aspects of the establishment elements of the job invention system, and then describes the establishment requirements of the job invention system in China. In the last section, from the scope of the employer, the employee, the employee performing the assigned tasks other than his own work, mainly using the material and technical conditions of the unit to complete the invention, The four aspects of invention associated with the original unit within one year of separation were compared and analyzed. The third part of Section 12th introduces the relationship between the rights and obligations of the two countries from the rights and obligations of the employer and the rights and obligations of the employees, respectively. In the last section, from the standpoint of employerism in our country and the position of employee doctrine in Korea, the obligation of mutual notification and the right to know between the unit and inventor, the right to patent application and the right of prior assignment of the right to apply for patent in the field of duty invention, the inventor, A Comparative Analysis of the four aspects of the designer's obligation to keep Secret; the design of the Sino-Korean system. Part 4th describes the compensation system of the job invention between China and South Korea. The main two countries both proceed from the principle of agreement priority and respect the wishes of the parties. However, in violation of legal provisions and considered unreasonable, reference will be made to statutory standards. In the last section, the substantive and procedural matters agreed upon in the provisions of the two countries, which must be followed, are analysed and contrasted with the differences between the two countries. Second, it talks about whether to establish a unified standard of compensation. Third, it talks about the principle of adverse changes in South Korea. Finally, it states that it is not applying for a job invention. The last part of the conclusion summarizes the results of the analysis of the system of job invention between China and South Korea and the improvement of the system of our country.
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