本文选题:专利侵权 切入点:永久禁令 出处:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the complex development of patent field, the problem of patent infringement relief has been paid more attention to. As a natural remedy for patent infringement, the protection of patentee's rights can not be replaced by stopping infringement liability for a long time.However, a small number of judicial cases emerged in recent years are undermining the validity of the absolute application of cessation of infringement liability in the field of patent infringement.The guidance of the social public interest, the bias of the interests between the parties and the abuse of rights brought about by the application of the right to stop the infringement liability are all possible for the limitation of the application of the right to stop the infringement liability in the patent infringement.Comparing thoroughly and analyzing the nature of intellectual property right claim and civil liability, we can find out that stop infringement liability has complex and suitable context.The action of stopping infringement liability in patent infringement is similar to that of the permanent prohibition in the United States. The development of the permanent prohibition system in the United States has brought enlightenment to the study on the limitation of the limitation of the limitation of the application of the suspension liability in the patent infringement in our country.Restraining the abuse of rights brought about by the generalized application of stop infringing liability balancing the inherent demand of social public interest encouraging the innovation of patent technology and promoting the commercial implementation of patent are all the positive meanings that can be brought by restricting the application of stop infringing liability.A large number of judicial practices prove that the inclination of social public interest is the concrete reason for restricting the application of the liability for cessation of infringement, and its restriction is just.The classification of social public interest makes it difficult to define the boundaries of social public interest, and it has become a trend to clarify the social public interest in the form of case guidance.The balance of interests between the parties conforms to the inherent requirements of the theory of economic interest preservation, but there are some conflicts between the theory of economic interest preservation and the theory of stimulating innovation in patent law.The arbitrariness of the applicable relationship between the liability for cessation of infringement and the liability for damages in patent infringement causes the bottleneck of solving the limitation problem.In patent infringement, the priority of liability for damages is applied as the path of limiting application and the case of priority application of liability for damages is divided.After stopping the limitation of infringement liability, the patentee obtains the right relief through the judicial compulsory license, and after the judicial compulsory license, he also needs to prevent the further infringement of the patent right.
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