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发布时间:2018-04-22 23:15

  本文选题:可归责性相抵 + 对称性结构 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Fault offset is a system shared by all countries, which originated from the Ponzi rule in Roman law. The continuous development of this system also reflects the requirement of legal refinement. The thesis is divided into three parts: the first chapter is the legal investigation of the fault offset system. In most related papers, the fault offset system is attributed to fairness and justice, which is true. But all legal systems are to achieve fairness and justice in the end, and the legal basis from such a macro perspective does not seem to have much significance for the specific application of fault offset. The author tries to further reveal the legal basis of the system of fault offset, and can use it as a principle to guide the concrete application of the system. In the first chapter, the author lists some views on the legal basis of fault offset system, and makes an analysis of these views, and finally puts forward the viewpoint of imputability offset according to the symmetry structure of fault offset system and its own principle of liability. The author thinks that the viewpoint of imputability can better explain the structure of fault offset and expand the scope of application of fault offset, and make up the loopholes of law. The second chapter focuses on the symmetry structure of fault offset, which is divided into the fault of the victim and causality for the occurrence or expansion of the damage. There are four parts: the misconduct of the victim and the ability of the victim to compensate for the fault. The author thinks that the elements of the victim must be discussed in accordance with the basic principle of equal treatment between the perpetrator and the victim. In this chapter, the author combines the theory with the judicial practice of various countries and the relevant jurisprudence of our country, in order to make the constitutive elements of fault offset refined, to meet the practical needs of judicial practice, and to respond to the complexity of real life. The third chapter discusses the scope of victimization and negligence. Although Article 26 of the Tort liability Law is not available for this part, the relevant cases are common in real life, so it is urgent to play the role of theory to fill the gap. The judge can judge according to the unified standard and realize the goal of law fairness and justice. In this chapter, the author classifies the fault of the injured party, and puts forward different ways to solve the fault of different types of the injured party through systematic explanation and value measurement. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the specific application of fault offset. As a system to reduce the liability of the offender, fault offset is particularly critical in its application, although it is put into the discretion of the judge. However, we also need to rely on certain reasoning methods and legal methods as the guidance. This chapter compares three different modes of application of fault offset system. Finally, the author thinks that our country should apply the comparative model of causative force.


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