本文选题:服务商标 + 服务商标侵权 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The upgrading and deepening of industrial structure has brought about the development of tertiary industry, and the special value of service industry requires its service to have distinct function, thus driving the development of service trademark. However, the market economy of our country is in the primary stage, the consciousness of trademark protection is weak, the situation of counterfeiting service trademark is widespread, the unfair competition behavior has brought the confusion of the market and the infringement of consumers' rights and interests. Starting with the development process, legal characteristics and functions of service trademark, the author tries to differentiate and analyze the related concepts of service trademark and try to answer the question of what service trademark is. Then combining with the analysis of the value and necessity of the protection of the service trademark right, the author tries to explain why to protect the service trademark, and finally, through the analysis of the content and the mode of protection and the comparative analysis of the infringement act, It is intended to solve the problem of how to protect the service trademark. In particular, it analyzes the relevant provisions of the current law of our country and the problems about the legal protection of service trademarks in our country, as well as the identification of tort liability of service trademarks, in order to make a more comprehensive interpretation of the protection of service trademarks.
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6 金YТ,