本文选题:技术措施 + 著作权 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The advent of the digital network era brings unprecedented challenges to copyright protection. In response to the copyright owner's permission and unlimited reproduction and dissemination in cyberspace, the copyright owner uses technical measures to provide private relief to his own rights and interests. Technical measures are easy to be circumvented or cracked in the rapidly changing digital network environment, and copyright owners begin to rely on technology rights. With the promotion of copyright owners, all countries have enacted relevant legislation on technical measures of protection, but the legislation of measures of protection of technology has corresponding negative effects, such as the problem of "reasonable use" failure, the narrowing of space for public rights and interests, and so on. Accordingly, legislation on technical measures should also take into account issues related to public use of space. By analyzing the current situation of anti-circumvention legislation in various countries and its corresponding measures, this paper probes into the negative influence of the legislation of technical measures and its causes, and explores the legal system suitable for China's technological measures. This paper suggests the introduction of "reasonable circumvention" in order to make up for the limitation of the original specific exception and to alleviate the conflict of its traditional copyright system. This paper mainly analyzes the different legislative models of various countries for the protection of technical measures. Taking the United States, the European Union, Australia and Japan as examples, combined with the provisions of WCT and WPPT, four different kinds of legislative models are discussed, and the characteristics of different legislative models are obtained. On the other hand, the influence of legislation on the traditional copyright law system and the social public interest, and find out the fundamental reason, that is, "reasonable use" can not meet the current demand, and copyright law has the tendency of establishing "right of contact". There is no standard for the effectiveness of technical measures. Based on the above situation, this paper explores the legal system suitable for our country's technical measures, introduces the general exception of "reasonable circumvention", and analyzes the legitimacy of "reasonable circumvention" from various angles. Finally, we should perfect the legal system of technical measures in our country, analyze the general applicable conditions of introducing the general clause of "reasonable circumvention", and take the library as an example to illustrate the specific application of the exception of "reasonable circumvention". Then the "reasonable circumvention" of the exception and the existing system of effective integration.
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