本文选题:民法典合同编 + 合同编总则 ; 参考:《河南社会科学》2017年06期
[Abstract]:On March 15, 2017, the Fifth session of the Twelfth National people's Congress adopted the General principles of Civil Law, which ushered in the Civil Code era. After the adoption of the General principles of Civil Law, the legislature officially started the codification of the Civil Code, including the compilation of property rights, contracts, tort liability, marriage and family, inheritance, and so on. As an important part of the contract compilation, it involves all aspects of civil and commercial communication, so it is difficult to compile and faces many challenges. In this context, it is of great significance to make a thorough study on the relevant legal issues of the compilation of contracts, to give full play to the wisdom and strength of experts and scholars, and to make suggestions for the legislature. In this study, Xie Hongfei pointed out the two binding conditions facing the compilation of the general principles of the contract, and put forward that we should adhere to respect for the current legal order, attach importance to the unification of the civil and commercial sectors and the separation of the civil and commercial sectors, and distinguish the common law from the special law. At the same time, it is unsuitable to change the legal structure of contract Law fundamentally, and puts forward the corresponding perfect suggestions to some important systems of the general principles of contract compilation. Professor Gao Shengping believes that the absence of the public notice system of financial lease registration is not conducive to the protection of the rights of the parties and endangers the security of the transaction. It is suggested that under the existing system arrangement in China, the mode of ownership of the registered public lessor should be adopted. At the same time, the financial lease of immovable property and special movable property is supplemented by the lease right of registered public lessee; when the system is reconstructed, the counterproductive effect of ordinary movable property financial lease registration should be stipulated in the contract of the Civil Code. In program design, the electronic registration system based on Internet should be constructed, which is independently registered by the parties, and the registration institution only makes formal examination. Professor Cao Xingquan pointed out that the general rules of voluntary disclosure of information under Article 42 of the contract Law may be helpful to demonstrate good faith but also present the disadvantages of excessive coercion to the detriment of trade fairness and even efficiency. In order to avoid the failure of compulsory information disclosure obligation system, the Civil Code should straighten out the relationship between no false statement and no intentional fraud, and perfect it through general and special provisions, principles and other legislative techniques. This paper responds to the introduction of inquiry answers and other alternative procedures, the significance of industry habits in evaluating the reasonableness of information disclosure, and the special impact of technology on information disclosure obligations. From the above three perspectives, three articles of this topic put forward their own ideas and suggestions on the compilation of civil code contract books. It is hoped that this study can provide reference and reference for the compilation of civil code contract and the relevant research of scholars. Henan Social Sciences will continue to pay attention to the codification of civil code in our country, and will also continue to organize related topics and plans. Experts and scholars are welcome to participate in our discussion and draft.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心;
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