本文选题:大型发电设备 + 合同 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Power generation equipment provides power support for human survival and economic development. Large-scale power generation equipment manufacturing belongs to the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, which affects the economic security and military security of the whole country. This kind of equipment purchase contract has the special legal nature, the contract subject matter is large, the seller's defect guarantee liability is huge and so on. Because of its clear amount and strong maneuverability, the system of liquidated damages has made both parties to the dispute resolve their contradictions promptly and conveniently, and become a means of dispute settlement widely used by civil subjects in market transactions, and it is no exception in the procurement contracts for large-scale power generation equipment. Such contracts generally agree on the terms of liquidated damages, especially on the maximum amount of the seller's quality indemnities. However, since the law of our country allows the parties to apply for adjustment of the amount of liquidated damages in the course of litigation (arbitration), It is easy to dispute the amount of damages for breach of contract or damages, which leads to disputes, especially when the agreed penalty is lower than the actual loss, the applicable law of simple machinery may lead to obvious inequity. Based on the analysis of specific cases, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the application of judicial intervention penalty system in large power equipment procurement contracts. This article is divided into five parts, the first part of the case and the focus of dispute between the two sides. The second part mainly introduces the characteristics of large power generation equipment purchase contract and points out the particularity of this kind of contract in setting penalty for breach of contract. The third part mainly discusses the relevant provisions of the judicial intervention penalty system, the theoretical basis, the institution of the adjustment of the judicial intervention penalty system, conditions, restrictions and whether the liquidated damages and damages can be shared. The fourth part discusses the application of judicial intervention penalty system in large-scale power generation equipment purchase contract. The fifth part puts forward the relevant suggestions to the administration of justice. Finally, the conclusion, a brief summary of the article.
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