本文选题:过失 + 不法行为 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Japanese school sports injury accident civil liability investigation system can be said to be relatively perfect. The Japanese government from the construction of school sports facilities to the promulgation of supporting school basic laws, national department law, sports related laws and the establishment of specialized institutions to deal with school sports injury accidents, A series of measures were taken to ensure the smooth development of school sports activities. The basic laws of schools are the Japan School Safety Association Law, the School Health Center Law, the National Sports venues Law, and the Sports laws are 1961. The National Civil Law and the State compensation Law are the main laws of the State Department of Public Health, while the basic school laws are such as the Japan School Safety Association Act, the School Health centres Act, the National Sports venues Act, and the Sports laws of 1961. The "Sports Revitalization Law" promulgated by Japan in 2002, the "Japan Sports Revitalization Center Law" enacted by Japan as an independent administrative legal person in 2002, and its supporting "implementation order of the Japanese Sports Revitalization Center Law of Japan as an Independent Administrative legal person" and the "related Independent Operation" Political and legal person, Japanese Sports Revitalization Center, etc. Among the numerous remedies, litigation is undoubtedly the most common remedy. However, Japan does not have a special tort law. Its core law on tort is mainly stipulated in articles 709 to 724 of the Japanese Civil Code, a total of 16 articles. In the course of the implementation of Japanese Civil Law, through the continuous evolution of a large number of precedents and theories, it has played an important supplementary role to the Japanese Tort Law Theory. In addition, public law, such as the Constitution of Japan and the Japanese State compensation Law, also play an important role in supplementing the theory of Japanese tort law. If Article 17 of the Japanese Constitution, as amended after the war, causes a third person to suffer losses as a result of an illegal act, any person may, in accordance with the provisions of the law, file a claim for compensation with the State. The Japanese State compensation Law was promulgated in 1948, and there are only six articles, which mainly provide for the compensation of the damage caused by the third person caused by the public buildings and the negligence of the public functionary in the performance of official acts. An act of education in a public or state school in Japan is considered to be a public act of a non-power nature, and facilities, equipment, etc. under the administration of a public or state school are also considered to be public construction, which may be applied to the Japanese State compensation Law. However, for the damages caused by private schools, the general negligence provisions of Article 709 of the Japanese Civil Law and Article 415 of the Japanese Civil Law "Non-Performance of debts" are mainly applied. In the school legal system, the Japan School Safety Association and the Japanese School Health Centre, established under the National Stadium Law and the School Safety Association Act, It plays an important role in promoting the normal development of campus sports, determining the amount of compensation and the construction of school accident insurance system. Sports itself has inherent risks, so for everyone involved in sports, there is a general risk of their sports, in a reasonable range they accept this risk, that is, the civil law of the risk of self-indulgence. Of course, taking risks from oneself is not entirely exempt from the responsibility of the school authorities. After all, there is an unequal relationship between the school and the parties in terms of intelligence, experience, and technology. The school should bear the corresponding "duty of safety care" according to different circumstances. How should the responsibility be taken into account by the age of the victim, technical proficiency, the degree of danger of the sport involved, and the environment at that time. In terms of victim relief system, in addition to litigation, Japan also has a complete insurance system, such as sports safety insurance, student education and research disaster insurance, mutual aid insurance for school disasters, and related liability insurance, and so on. To ensure that the injured students can get timely assistance and reduce the financial pressure on schools to deal with sports injury accidents.
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