本文选题:住宅商用 + 区分所有权 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, with the continuous development of the market economy in our country, the process of urbanization has been further accelerated, and people's past forms of distributive housing have gradually been replaced by commodity housing with differentiated ownership. At the same time, as more and more new industries seek low-cost and high-output approaches, many first-time entrepreneurs have aimed at the low-cost nature of commodity housing, which has led to the phenomenon of commercial housing occurring frequently in recent years. Under the current situation in our country, the state has issued a series of preferential policies to encourage independent entrepreneurship, coupled with the further relaxation of company registration restrictions, and so on. Many people who were unable to pay high rents for office space such as office buildings in the early days of their businesses tried to use their original residential homes for productive activities. Because of low investment costs and low investment risks, commercial housing phenomenon has long been common in this vast land of China, and it also exists in foreign countries. More typical Western developed countries tend to adopt the attitude of "open-ban combination". The conflict of interest behind this phenomenon is also obvious in China. On the one hand, commercial housing is conducive to the owners to start their own businesses and solve the employment problem. On the other hand, commercial housing usually brings about a series of problems which seriously affect the legitimate rights and interests of other owners, including noise pollution, environmental pollution, fire risk, public security risk and so on. These problems destroy the peaceful and safe living environment of owners, and often lead to conflicts and conflicts in neighborhood disputes. Therefore, the "Real right Law" promulgated in China in 2007 provides for the phenomenon of commercial housing: "the owner shall not violate the laws, regulations and management rules to change the residence into a commercial house." If an owner changes a residence into a commercial one, he shall, in addition to observing the laws, regulations and management rules, obtain the consent of the interested owner. " However, how to determine the interests of owners, as well as residential commercial scope and a series of issues are not detailed. In order to cooperate with the implementation of the property Law, in 2009, the Supreme Court formulated the interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the specific application of the law in the hearing of disputes over the division of ownership of buildings. However, there are still many difficulties in judicial practice. On the road leading to the building of a China governed by the rule of law, how can it be said that a "house" does not govern the world? The commercial problem behind the commercial housing is not only a legal and economic problem in a micro field, but also a real right law problem in a macro field, which is a major issue concerning the people's livelihood and must be highly valued by the legislation. This article is based on this, as a law student with his head held high in the long journey of ruling by law, I would like to do my best to put forward my humble ideas for the legal regulation of this phenomenon, and to put forward my long-cherished wish for students to add bricks and tiles to the rule of law in China!
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