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发布时间:2018-07-03 20:02

  本文选题:缔约过失责任 + 信赖利益 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 缔约过失责任,是指在合同订立过程中,一方因违背其依据诚实信用原则所应尽的义务,而致另一方的信赖利益的损失,所应承担的民事责任。因其与合同有关,所以它与合同责任之间的关系比较密切,但却又与合同履行中所产生的侵权责任和违约责任有所不同。《中华人民共和国合同法》第42条、第43条规定了缔约过失行为所应承担的损害赔偿责任,但对缔约过失责任的性质、类型规定过于简略,且损害赔偿的具体范围也没有确定。导致了司法实践存在盲区,不能对相关民事争议作出公平、公正的决断。从而,不能充分保护当事人的合法权益、解决矛盾争端。因此,明确缔约过失责任的界定和赔偿范围对于充分保护缔约当事人的合法权益、正确处理民事纠纷,具有重要意义。故本文将就缔约过失责任的内涵、适用范围、存在状态、价值取向、分类、赔偿依据、赔偿范围、赔偿标准等问题进行讨论。并从比较法的角度,联系实际说明了缔约过失责任与违约责任和侵权责任的联系与区别,阐明了缔约过失责任是合同责任的必要补充之观点。以期对这一在《中华人民共和国合同法》中规定较为抽象和笼统的概念展开详述,提出观点、理清思路。本文的论述重点在于明确了非加害性和加害性缔约过失责任损害赔偿的不同范围;通过讨论信赖利益和履行利益的关系,论证了缔约过失责任赔偿范围一般基于信赖利益,并以履行利益为限,又不完全囿于履行利益的观点;并提出了赔偿范围包括受害人的直接损失和间接损失以及作为间接损失重要内容的机会利益损失的具体赔偿标准。通过一系列注重司法实践的论述,来有利于进一步完善缔约过失责任制度。从而希望能够在司法实践中重视先合同义务的履行,对侵害先合同义务的行为明确赔偿范围和标准,更好地保护缔约当事人的合法权益。
[Abstract]:The liability for fault in concluding a contract refers to the civil liability that one party should bear because of the breach of its obligations according to the principle of good faith and the loss of the trust interest of the other party during the conclusion of the contract. Because it is related to the contract, it has a close relationship with the contractual liability, but it is different from the tort liability and the breach of contract arising from the performance of the contract. Article 42 of the contract Law of the people's Republic of China, Article 43 sets out the liability for compensation for damages due to the act of fault in contracting a treaty, but the nature and type of liability for fault in conclusion are too brief, and the specific scope of compensation for damages is not determined. As a result, there are blind areas in judicial practice, which cannot make a fair and just decision on civil disputes. Thus, the legitimate rights and interests of the parties cannot be fully protected, and conflicts and disputes can be resolved. Therefore, it is of great significance to define the liability for fault in contracting and the scope of compensation for fully protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the contracting parties and correctly handling civil disputes. Therefore, this paper will discuss the connotation, scope of application, state of existence, value orientation, classification, compensation basis, compensation scope, compensation standard and so on. From the point of view of comparative law, this paper illustrates the relationship and difference between fault liability for contracting and liability for breach of contract and tort liability, and clarifies that the liability for fault in contract is a necessary supplement to the liability of contract. It is expected that this concept, which is more abstract and general in contract Law of the people's Republic of China, can be described in detail, put forward its point of view and clarify its train of thought. The main point of this paper is to clarify the different scope of compensation for non-injurious and injurious contractual negligence liability, and to demonstrate that the scope of compensation for contractual negligence liability is generally based on trust interest by discussing the relationship between reliance interest and performance interest. The author also points out that the scope of compensation includes the direct loss and indirect loss of the victim and the concrete standard of compensation for the loss of opportunity interest as an important content of indirect loss. Through a series of argumentation focusing on judicial practice, it is helpful to perfect the system of fault liability in contracting. It is hoped that the performance of the prior contract obligation can be emphasized in judicial practice and the scope and standard of compensation for the infringement of the prior contract obligation should be defined so as to better protect the lawful rights and interests of the contracting parties.


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