本文选题:建筑物区分所有权 + 共有权 ; 参考:《山东大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 城市人口剧增与城市建筑用地紧张之间的矛盾,导致城市建筑尤其是住宅建筑已逐渐地趋向于向高层化发展。由此,建筑物区分所有权问题随而产生。在我国,关于建筑物区分所有权理论的研究开展得较晚,现行民事立法中对该制度也未有针对性的明确表述,而在社会现实生活中因高层建筑物区分所有所产生的纠纷不断发生,因此确立建筑物区分所有权制度已是势在必行。实践中有关区分所有权纠纷主要发生在各区分所有权人有关共有权问题,而且共有权是建筑物区所有权制度的两大灵魂之一,所以,本文旨在对建筑物区分所有权之共有权进行深入研究。解决了共有权问题,也就基本解决了建筑物区分所有权的绝大多数纠纷。 本文共分四章。 第一章是对共有权从本体角度进行论述——本体论。该章首先确立了“三元论”说的合理地位。以此基础,引出了共有权客体的概念:各区分所有权人在同一区分所有建筑物上行使共有权所及共有部分的范围。然后,分析了共有权的性质:既不是按份共有,也不是共同共有,答案在其本身——就是建筑物区分所有权之共有或者简称为区分共有。尔后,分析了共有权的根本特征:复合性、广泛性、复杂性、附随性、禁分性。最后,探讨了共有权内容:共有权人的权利、义务。 第二章从相关理论比较分析中对共有权进行了辨析——相关论。关于共有权与专有权指出专有权对共有权的决定性;关于共有权与基地使用权指出共有权人对基地使用权的共有关系;关于共有权与普通共有权指出普通共有权相对于区分共有权的普遍性;关于共有权与相邻权指出共有权与相邻权相互交错的关系。 第三章从实践的角度,对现实生活中有关共有权的纠纷提出解决的方案,并进行了论证——实践论。有关楼顶平台的权属纠纷的解决过程中反驳了目前存在的一些观点,指出楼顶平台的共有性质;在论述小区停车位(场)权属纠纷中,对不同的建造样态的停车位纠纷实质作出了明确:多层经营性停车位(场)可以存在独立产权成为专有部分,住宅小区地面停车位、首层楼房架空层停车位属于该幢楼房的全体房屋单元区分所有权人,是各区分所有权人的共有部分;在解决关于交纳电梯使用费纠纷中提出独创性观点:非基于共有利益产生的使用费不属于区分所有权人的共负费用。 第四章从立法角度进行探讨,表达了笔者对我国物权法关于建筑物区分所有权立法的期待——立法论。首先,笔者简略介绍了我国建筑物区分所有权制度的立法现状:迄今为止尚未建立起完善的建筑物区分所有权制度的法律体系。在介绍《物权法》草案中有关共有权规定的基础上对该草案进行了评价:指出《物权法》草案“三元论”说的立法思路,,并提出了笔者对我国建筑物区分所有权之共有权具体的立法思路:共有权范围界定——共有权地位——共有权内容——共有权行使——共有部分的物业管理。
[Abstract]:The contradiction between urban construction and urban construction has led to the gradual development of urban buildings , especially residential buildings . In China , it is imperative to distinguish ownership of buildings . In our country , it is imperative to distinguish ownership from buildings . In practice , it is imperative to distinguish ownership disputes from high - rise buildings .
This article is divided into four chapters .
The first chapter is to discuss the right object from the perspective of ontology . The chapter first establishes the reasonable position of the theory of " three - way theory " . Based on this , the concept of the co - ownership object is drawn : each distinguishes the ownership of ownership from the common or common part of all buildings . Then , it analyzes the basic characteristics of ownership : compound , universality , complexity , accompanying property and prohibition . Finally , the author discusses the contents of the co - ownership : the right and obligation of the owner .
The second chapter analyzes the common right from the comparative analysis of the relevant theories . On the basis of the common right and the exclusive right , the author points out that the exclusive right is the decisive factor for the total power ;
The common relationship between the right of ownership and the right to use the base of the base and the right of the base to the use of the base ;
( a ) The common right to be entitled to the common right to indicate the universality of the right of common ownership vis - 脿 - vis the distinction ;
On the relationship between the right of ownership and the adjacent right to indicate the right to be staggered with the adjacent right .
In the third chapter , from the point of view of practice , the solution to the dispute about the common right in real life is put forward , and the demonstration _ practice theory is carried out . In the process of solving the ownership dispute of the roof platform , the author points out that the common property of the platform is shared .
In the discussion of the ownership dispute of the residential parking space ( field ) , it is clear that the parking space dispute of different construction samples is made clear : the multi - layer operating parking space ( field ) can have independent property right as the proprietary part , the residential district ground parking space , the first floor space parking space parking space belongs to the whole house unit of the building block distinguish the owner , is the common part of each distinguishing owner ;
In the settlement of disputes concerning the use of the elevator , an original point of view was put forward that the use of non - shared interests was not attributable to the sharing of negative costs between the owners .
Chapter Four discusses the legislation of the legislation of the ownership of buildings in China . Firstly , the author introduces the legislation of the system of ownership of buildings in our country . First , the author gives a brief introduction to the legislation of the system of ownership of buildings in our country .
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