发布时间:2018-07-06 14:28
本文选题:人格权 + 财产利益 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年博士论文
【摘要】:人格权中财产利益,是指自然人的姓名、肖像、声音等人格要素(人格权客体)所承载的,个人通过对这些人格要素的商业化利用来能够实现和享有的经济利益。经典的民法理论是以权利为核心而构建起的体系,在权利制度内又是以权利客体体现的利益为标准将民事权利分为身份权与财产权,人格权主要是保护主体对客体享有的非财产利益,而财产权则侧重于保护财产利益。随着社会的发展,人格权中财产利益早已被人们发现和挖掘,个人通过将自己的姓名,肖像等人格要素跟其认可的商品或者服务联系在一起,获取经济利益的现象已经非常的普遍。人格权的商业化利用的现象既符合社会需求,也不违背社会伦理道德,被社会接受,应当受到法律的保护。既然人格权中财产利益已进入了法律视野,首先对此进行界定和私法分析,,从而明确其属性,确定它在私法中位置的前提下,才能回答它应该获得私法什么样的保护的问题。面对人格权客体承载的财产利益的私法属性问题,以人格利益为内容,非财产性为特征的经典人格权理论就显得有点无力。各国学者都提出多种保护模式,最具有代表性的是人格权与财产权之间的论战,因而人格权中财产利益的私法属性成了一个充满争议的问题。因此,有必要对人格权中财产利益进行私法分析,明确其在民法中的位置。对人格权中财产利益的权利属性的分析与论证从两个方面展开。其一,从历史发展角度分析人格权的历史发展与人格权中财产利益的关系,即人格权无财产性时代的人格权发展特征的分析以及人格权的现代发展与人格权中财产利益的关系进行分析,从而说明人格权中财产利益的日益凸出,是人格权本身的发展与社会实践的双重作用下完成的,是人格权理论在现代社会中的提升和发展。本部分笔者将人格权的发展历史分为两个阶段,即前人格权财产性时代与人格权的现代发展(人格权的财产性)时代。虽然人格权中财产利益在19世纪就开始出现,但是其作为一个普遍的现象是从20世纪后期开始的,而且人格权类型和体系的丰富也是从这个时期开始的。20世纪以前,从罗马法开始就有对人格要素的保护的法律,但是这个时候的法律主要是物质性人格权的保护,精神性人格权的种类很少。如罗马法时期就有保护健康、生命等利益的法律,对于精神性人格权的保护仅限于名誉权、贞操权等,而这些权利也本身也不具备商品化的条件。此外,从这个时期的社会观念、科技和商品经济的发展状况来看,也没有能够支持人格权进入商业领域的法律之外的条件支持。如上所说,人格权中财产利益的挖掘和发现,20世纪,尤其是20世纪后期开始普遍引起法律界、商业界以及名人自己的关注,并开始普遍化。在这个时期人格权商品化的法律之外的社会、观念、经济和科技等方面的条件因素齐全以外,人格权制度及理论本身每一次的发展都为人格权中财产利益的出现提供了成长的机会。在人类经历二战时期的对人格尊严的糟蹋之后,二战后人们的权利意识开始提高了,在二战以后的人权运动的推动下,人格权得到了迅速的发展。笔者将这个时期的人格权的发展特征分析并归纳为精神性人格权的发展、人格权积极权能的发展以及人格权与财产权的交叉式的发展等三个方面。而人格权的这些发展也为人格权中财产利益的挖掘和成长提供了理论和制度上的空间。现代以来的人格权体系的丰富主要集中于精神性人格权的出现,如隐私权、个人信息权、名誉权、肖像权、姓名权等,而这些正是现代社会中商品化需要的人格权,也是能够体现出财产利益的精神性人格权。积极权能的发展是现代人格权发展的另一个特征,是从原来的消极的、防御性的权利,发展为具有积极权能的主观权利。各国通过立法或者判例的方式开始承认人格权的积极权能,如自我决定权等。人格权积极权能的发展对人格权中财产利益的贡献是,它为人格权中财产利益的实现提供了权利基础,因为人格权中财产利益,不像人格权所体现的精神利益,人格权中财产利益具有潜在性的特点,主体为了要享受和实现这个利益而要主动地行使这个权利,因为这个利益只有在动态的过程中才能实现,这就需要人格权人享有一些积极的行使权利的权能。此外,人格权与财产权的交叉式的发展,是现代人格权的发展的另一个特征。由于有些财产具有主体的精神利益的因素,学者早就提出了“人格物”等概念,并且法律上已有了相应的表达。现在人格权中出现了财产性的因素,这就说明人格权也能包含一些财产性的内容。其二,从人格权理论出发论证人格权中财产利益的人格权属性的合理性。在这一部分,首先,从人格权的价值基础及立法目标入手论证人格权中财产利益的人格权属性。阐述人格尊严价值在人格权法中的地位,分析人格尊严与人格权商业化利用的关系,从人格尊严演绎到人格权中财产利益的人格权属性的合理性。人格尊严是人格权的核心内容,人格权法的基本价值,所有的具体人格权以人格尊严而展开,都体现着人格尊严,具体人格权组成有机整体的正是人格尊严,所有的具体人格权从不同的层面体现了主体对人格尊严维护的诉求。因此,对新型利益是否提供人格权保护,是从新型利益与人格尊严的关联性角度来确认。其次,从人格权的客体入手,基于私权客体对私权分类的作用,解释附着于人格权客体上的财产利益的人格权属性的合理性。最后,通过一般人格权所承载的人格自由、人格尊严、人格独立等价值,来判断人格权商业化利用所体现出来的价值取向与这些一般人格权价值的一致性,进一步巩固人格权中财产利益的人格权属性,同时,通过一般人格权在人格权法中的地位和功能来对人格权中财产利益进行私法分析。对人格权中财产利益进行私法分析时有些学者也提出了财产权说的观点,其实财产权理论解释人格权中财产利益私法属性时存在理论缺陷,因此会引发一些制度困境的。 保护个人人格权中财产利益的合理性何在?对此问题的回答涉及的是法律保护人格权中财产利益的理论支撑。人格权中财产利益正当性论证在当今社会仍有必要,而早有学者立足于道德、经济等不同角度进行过这样的努力,因而在人格权中财产利益的正当性问题上,也形成了劳动理论、人格自主理论、经济理论等诸多理论并存的局面。 对于人格权中财产利益的保护,无论是运用扩张既有的法律制度或者创新新的法律制度,各国法律均在不同的程度上回应这个问题。比较法的考察目的是找一套最适合我国人格权中财产利益保护模式,尽量减少人格权中财产利益保护法制化的成本。笔者以美国与德国为主,介绍比较法上的人格权中财产利益的保护路径、制度、分析其特点,从而为我国人格权中财产利益的保护制度的构建获得启示与启发。德国与美国在司法实践中承认了人格权的财产利益应该保护,但具体的保护途径有所不同。在美国,在法官与学者的共同努力下,从隐私权发展了独立于隐私权的公开权为人格权商品化所体现的财产利益提供了保护。德国也修正了传统的人格权理论,承认了一般人格权的财产利益内容,扩展已有的人格权的权能,由一般人格权、姓名权和肖像权合作保护人格权的财产利益内涵。 随着自然人姓名、肖像等人格要素的授权使用,转让等商业利用现象的日益增多,在司法领域,一系列起源于人格要素的商业利用的案件出现在法官前面。在我国,人民法院在没有针对性的专门法律的情况下,以已有的法律制度为依据,解决因人格权的财产利益而引起的民事纠纷。由于人格权的商品化是在市场经济的背景下出现的新的法律现象,而既有的法律制度中没有明确的相关法律制度,因此,在我国司法实践中同一个性质的案件在具体的处理方式上存在不同情况。如有的法院直接承认人格权的财产性内容,给予受害者一定财产赔偿,而有的法院拒绝人格权的财产性并拒绝予以赔偿,有的通过适当提高精神损害赔偿来补救受害人的损害。同一个性质的不同的案件,各个法院之间出现了五花八门的判决。这种做法,虽然有利于受害人利益的保护,但是也会影响司法统一性、权威性的。这更加凸显出我国人格权中财产利益法律制度的需求的紧迫性。 确定人格权中财产利益适合于那种权利之下予以保护以后,就要考虑对人格权中财产利益具体怎么保护?在人格权体系下怎么安排?如何才能很好地实现自然人人格权中财产利益?本部分在以上的我国现行人格权中财产利益保护的法律制度及其主要内容以及我国人格权中财产利益的司法保护概况进行总结归纳的基础上,提出我国人格权中财产利益人格权保护模式的选择与制度设想。本部分还进一步的论述人格权中财产利益保护制度的具体内容,包括基本原则、客体、主体及其权益、限制、人格权中财产利益的许可使用制度以及人格权中财产利益侵权责任制度。人格权中财产利益的侵权责任制度是人格权中财产利益的私法保护的最后一个环节。这一部分内容又分为人格权中财产利益的侵权归责原则,构成要件以及责任承担方式等三个内容。构成要件部分探讨人格权中财产利益的侵权行为的概念、特征、类型等;人格权中财产利益的侵权损害事实,包括损害的类型及其计算方式等;人格权中财产利益的侵权责任是过错责任,但是依据不同的主体对其过错的程度与认定不同。由于可商业化利用的人格权兼有财产性和精神性的特点,其救济方式的设计应与其混合型特点相适应,对于人格权中财产利益侵权责任方式除了使用财产损害赔偿外,在符合条件的情况下,还可以使用精神损害赔偿和停止侵害、消除影响、恢复名誉等侵权责任承担方式。但是人格权中财产利益的侵权损害主要是财产损害,因此,财产损害赔偿应具有主要的地位,而其他的责任方式,尤其是精神损害赔偿的使用应受到一定的条件限制。
[Abstract]:The property interest in the right of personality refers to the person's name, portrait, sound and other personality elements (the object of personality right), which can be realized and enjoyed by the individual by commercializing the personalities of these personality elements. The classical civil law theory is a system built with rights as the core, and in the system of rights, it is also a right guest. The interests of the body are divided into the right of identity and the property right, and the right of personality is mainly to protect the non property interests of the subject to the object, while the property right focuses on the protection of the property interests. With the development of the society, the property interests in the personality rights have long been discovered and excavated by the people, and the individual through their names, portraits and others. The phenomenon of obtaining economic interests is very common. The phenomenon of commercial utilization of the right of personality not only conforms to the social needs, but also does not violate the social ethics and ethics. It is accepted by the society and should be protected by the law. Since the property interests in the personality rights have already entered the legal field of view, first of all, the property interests of the personality have already entered the legal field of vision. In order to clarify its property and determine its position in private law, can it answer the question of what kind of protection it should obtain in private law, and the private law attribute of the property interests of the object of personality right, the theory of the classical personality right characterized by the personality interests as the internal capacity and the non property as the characteristic. It seems a little weak. All the scholars of all countries have put forward a variety of protection patterns, the most representative is the debate between the right of personality and property rights, so the private law property of property interests in the personality right has become a controversial issue. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the property interests of the personality right in private law and clarify its position in the civil law. The analysis and demonstration of the property rights property of property interests in the right of lattice are carried out from two aspects. First, from the perspective of historical development, the relationship between the historical development of personality right and the property interests in the personality right is analyzed, that is, the analysis of the characteristics of personality right development in the era of personality right without property, the modern development of personality right and the relation of property interests in personality right. The analysis shows that the property interests in the personality right are increasingly protruded, which are completed under the dual role of the development of personality right itself and the social practice, and the promotion and development of the theory of personality right in modern society. The author divides the development history of personality right into two stages, namely, the era of property rights in the front and the right to personality. In the era of modern development (property rights of personality), although property interests in personality rights began to appear in nineteenth Century, it began as a common phenomenon in the late twentieth Century, and the type and system of personality rights were rich in the.20 century beginning from this period, and the protection of personality elements began from the Rome law. Law, but the law at this time is mainly the protection of material personality rights, and there are few kinds of spiritual personality rights. For example, in the period of Rome law, there were laws to protect health, life and other interests, and the protection of the right of spiritual personality was limited to the right of reputation, the right of chastity and so on, and the right also did not have the conditions of commercialization. In addition, From the social concept of this period, the development of science and technology and commodity economy, there is no support to support the law of personality right into the business field. As mentioned above, the excavation and discovery of property interests in the right of personality, in twentieth Century, especially in the late twentieth Century, generally caused the law, business and celebrities themselves. The development of personality right system and theory itself provides the opportunity to grow up for the appearance of property interests in personality right. After the severe abuse, people's right consciousness began to improve after World War II. Under the promotion of the human rights movement after World War II, the personality right has been rapidly developed. The author analyses the development characteristics of the personality right in this period and concludes the development of spiritual personality right, the development of the positive power and power of personality right and the exchange of personality right and property right. The development of the personality right also provides the theoretical and institutional space for the exploitation and growth of property interests in the right of personality. The rich personality right system in modern times is mainly concentrated on the emergence of spiritual personality right, such as privacy, personal information right, reputation right, portrait right, name right and so on. It is the personality right needed in the modern society and the spiritual personality right which can reflect the interests of the property. The development of active power is another feature of the development of modern personality rights. It is from the original negative and defensive rights to the subjective right with positive power. All countries begin by the way of legislation or case. Acknowledges the positive power of the right of personality, such as the right of self determination. The contribution of the development of the positive power of personality right to the property interests in the personality right provides the basis for the realization of the property interests in the personality right, because the property interests in the personality right are not like the essence of the personality right, and the property interests in the personality right have potential. In order to enjoy and realize this benefit, the subject is to exercise this right actively, because it can only be realized in the dynamic process, which requires the right to some positive exercise of the right of the personality right. In addition, the development of the personality right and property right is another development of the modern personality right. Characteristics. Because some property has the spiritual interests of the main body, scholars have early put forward the concept of "personality", and have the corresponding expression in the law. Now there are property factors in the right of personality, which shows that the personality right can also contain some property inside. Secondly, the personality right is demonstrated from the personality right theory. In this part, first, from the value basis and legislative goal of personality right, this part demonstrates the personality right property of property interests in personality right. It expounds the status of personality dignity value in the personality right law, analyzes the relationship between personality dignity and commercial utilization of personality rights, and deducts from personality dignity to human dignity. The human dignity is the core content of the personality right of property interests in the right of personality. The personality dignity is the core content of the personality right, the basic value of the personality right law. All the specific personality rights are carried out with the dignity of the personality, and the dignity of the personality is embodied. The concrete personality right is the human dignity, and the specific personality rights are from different levels. Therefore, whether the protection of the personality rights is provided for the new interests is confirmed from the angle of the relationship between the new interests and the dignity of the personality. Secondly, from the object of the personality right, based on the role of the private right object in the classification of private rights, the personality property attached to the property interests of the object of personality right is explained. Finally, through the value of personality freedom, personality dignity and personality independence, which is carried by the general personality right, we can judge the consistency of the value orientation embodied in the commercial utilization of personality right and the value of these general personality rights, and further consolidate the personality right property of property interests in the personality right, and at the same time, through the general personality right in the person, the personality right is further consolidated. The status and function of the law of right to the property interests of the personality right in private law analysis. Some scholars also put forward the view of property rights when analyzing the property interests in personal rights. In fact, there are theoretical defects in the property rights theory of property interests in personal rights, which will lead to some institutional difficulties.
What is the rationality of property interests in the protection of personal personality rights? The answer to this question involves the theoretical support of property interests in the legal protection of personality rights. The justification of property rights in the personality right is still necessary in today's society, and some scholars have made such efforts in different angles, such as morality, economy, and so on, and therefore in personality The justifiable nature of property interests also forms the coexistence of labor theory, personality autonomy theory, economic theory and many other theories.
The protection of property interests in the right of personality, whether by the use of the existing legal system or the innovation of the new legal system, is to respond to this problem in different degrees. The purpose of the comparative law is to find a set of protection models suitable for the property rights of our country, and to minimize the protection of property interests in the right of personality. The author, based on the United States and Germany, introduces the protection path of property interests in the right of personality in the comparative law, the system, and the analysis of its characteristics, so as to enlighten and enlighten the construction of the protection system of property interests in the personality right of our country. But in the United States, in the United States, under the joint efforts of judges and scholars, the right to privacy has been developed from the right of privacy to protect the property interests embodied in the commercialization of the right to personality. Germany has also amended the traditional theory of personality rights and recognized the content of the property interests of the general personality rights and expanded the existing property rights. The rights and powers of personality rights are protected by the general personality right, the right of name and the right of portrait to protect the interests of personal rights.
In the field of justice, a series of commercial use cases originating from the personality factors appear in front of the judges in the judicial field. In our country, the people's court is based on the existing legal system under the circumstances without specific specific laws. Civil disputes arising from the property interests of the personality right, because the commercialization of the right of personality is a new legal phenomenon in the background of the market economy, and there is no clear relevant legal system in the existing legal system. Therefore, there are different feelings for the same nature of the case in the judicial practice of our country. If some courts directly acknowledge the property of the personality right, give the victims a certain property compensation, and some courts refuse the property of the right of personality and refuse to compensate them, and some can remediate the damage of the victims by appropriately improving the compensation for mental damage. The decision of the door, although it is beneficial to the protection of the interests of the victims, will also affect the unity and authority of the judiciary, which highlights the urgency of the demand for the legal system of property interests in our country's personality right.
After determining that property interests in the right of personality are protected under that right, how to protect the property interests of the personality right? How to arrange the property rights under the system of personality right? How can we realize the property interests in the natural human right? The law on the protection of property interests in the current personality right of our country. On the basis of the summary of the law system and its main contents and the general situation of the judicial protection of property interests in our country's personality rights, the choice and system of the protection mode of property rights in the personality rights of our country are put forward. This part also further discusses the specific content of the property protection system in the personality right, including the basic principles, The object, the subject and its rights and interests, the restriction of the property interests in the right of personality and the system of property interests tort liability in the personality right. The tort liability system of property interests in the personality right is the last link of the private law protection of property interests in the personality right. This part is also divided into the infringement of property interests in the personality right. The three contents of the responsibility principle, the constituent elements and the way of responsibility bearing. The concept, the characteristics, the types of the infringement of the property interests in the personality right, the infringement of the property interests in the personality right, the types of the damage and the way of calculation, and the tort liability of the property interests in the personality right.
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