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发布时间:2018-07-18 11:45
[Abstract]:The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and artistic works regards "film works and works expressed in a manner similar to the production of a film" as the object of protection. There is no uniform regulation on the attribution of "film works", Each member State shall have the right to establish its own ownership system of Film works in accordance with its domestic law. British and American copyright law applies the principle of "being an author", and the copyright of "film works" belongs to the employer. Most civil law copyright laws apply the principle that creators are authors, and film works are cooperative works. In arranging the ownership system of "Film works", China adopts both Anglo-American law and continental law, which results in contradictions between articles of law, contradiction with basic legal principles and serious inconsistency with practice. With the development of Internet technology, new works, such as micro-film, micro-video, webcast and so on, have emerged. The legal system of traditional "film works" can not meet the needs of reality, so the concept of "audio-visual works" has been used step by step in the world. The revised draft of China's copyright Law adds the concept of "audio-visual works", but the corresponding legal system on the attribution of "audio-visual works" has not been substantially amended. This paper holds that the arrangement of the attribution system of audio-visual works in accordance with the principle of "author" is more in line with the principle of copyright law and basic logic. The producer is the legal author of Audio-visual works, the copyright is enjoyed by the producer, the actual creator is the author of the fact and does not enjoy the copyright of the Audio-visual works.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学博士后流动站;中国政法大学知识产权研究中心;


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