[Abstract]:Article 4 of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Convention on stolen or illegally exported Cultural objects, which entered into force for China on July 1, 1998, provides for the conditional acquisition in good faith of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects. The interpretation by the Supreme people's Court of the application of the property Law of the people's Republic of China (1) as of 1 January, and the prerequisite for the application of the Law in good faith, The judgment standard of bona fide has made the corresponding judicial explanation, formed our country to apply the good faith to obtain the more complete rule system. In the course of the revision of the Law on the Protection of Cultural relics of the people's Republic of China, this paper analyzes the necessity of establishing bona fide acquisition of cultural relics and booty in China and reviews the legislation examples of bona fide acquisition of foreign cultural relics. This paper discusses the need for clear system of bona fide acquisition of cultural relics and stolen goods in the Law of Cultural relics Protection in China.
【作者单位】: 故宫博物院法律处;
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