[Abstract]:The system of legal act is one of the key contents of the general rules of civil code, and the system of legal act originates from the contract law, and its rules mainly apply to the contract law. The contents of legal acts in the general provisions of the civil code have an important influence on the rules of contract making in the special provisions. The contents of "civil legal acts" in the general principles of civil law promulgated in 2017 are higher than those of our country in 1986 The corresponding contents of the General principles of Civil Law, There have been major changes in both quantity and quality. These innovations mainly include: perfecting the relevant rules of silent application and interpretation of meaning, adding the provisions of false representation and hidden behavior, so as to absorb the dangers of others without fairness. The provisions of fraud by third party and coercion by third party are added and the difference between them is adopted; the right to change the contract is cancelled and the provision on the duration of the exercise of the right of rescission is added; and the criterion of invalidation of the contract is given new wording. Most of these amendments come from the summary and absorption of China's contract Law promulgated in 1999 and the reasonable contents of its judicial interpretation, on the other hand, from the analysis and induction of the experience of comparative law. These contents all reflect the obvious improvement of the legislative quality. Under the premise of avoiding the conflict with the general principles and simple repetition, some of the contents should be embodied in the contract compilation of the Civil Code. Of course, the few additions to the part of the Civil Law Act in China reflect some unique legislative policy considerations of Chinese legislators, which are not without controversy from the angle of contract fairness or contract efficiency. Its application effect needs to be further tested in the future judicial practice.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心;
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