发布时间:2018-08-02 15:54
[Abstract]:In China, the main laws to protect computer software are copyright law, computer software protection regulations and some trade secrets in the anti-unfair competition law. But in practice, Some of the provisions of the computer Software Protection regulations run counter to the legislative spirit of the copyright Law. The relevant provisions of the Patent Review Guide specify that if an invention contains computer software and meets certain standards, Patents may be granted. But at the same time, the pure "computer software" is excluded from the patent object. As to whether software can be the object of patent, European and American countries have made a series of efforts to discuss the subject standard of patentability of computer software, but there is no final conclusion. As Professor Zheng Chengsi has said, discussing the intellectual property protection of computer software should not only be regarded as a legal issue, but also be classified as copyright law or patent law protection. This will have its shape and ignore its essence. It is necessary to balance the interests between the public and the software developers according to the special attributes of computer software and the needs of the development of computer software industry. The author thinks that special legislation to protect computer software is a reasonable measure, but it is not easy to make laws. Therefore, we can use existing legal resources to protect computer software collaboratively. Based on the characteristics of computer software, combined with other influencing factors, and according to the national conditions of our country, and drawing on the advanced legislative experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the construction and perfection of the coordinated legal protection of software industry in China. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the legal attributes of computer software collaborative protection, through the definition of computer software and computer program in the legislation of various countries, determines the general software in commercial software; In the second part, the author analyzes the influence factors of computer software cooperative protection, and finds that the special properties of computer software both "work" and "function" are the main reasons for computer software collaborative protection. The third part analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing computer software protection model, especially the development and change of the theory and practice in Europe and the United States. The fourth part combines the situation of our country, insists on the principle of balance of interests, and makes full use of the existing legal resources, according to the current situation and problems of our legislation, the fourth part is to provide reference for the legal protection of computer software in our country. Some preliminary suggestions are put forward to construct the legal cooperative protection of computer software.
[Abstract]:In China, the main laws to protect computer software are copyright law, computer software protection regulations and some trade secrets in the anti-unfair competition law. But in practice, Some of the provisions of the computer Software Protection regulations run counter to the legislative spirit of the copyright Law. The relevant provisions of the Patent Review Guide specify that if an invention contains computer software and meets certain standards, Patents may be granted. But at the same time, the pure "computer software" is excluded from the patent object. As to whether software can be the object of patent, European and American countries have made a series of efforts to discuss the subject standard of patentability of computer software, but there is no final conclusion. As Professor Zheng Chengsi has said, discussing the intellectual property protection of computer software should not only be regarded as a legal issue, but also be classified as copyright law or patent law protection. This will have its shape and ignore its essence. It is necessary to balance the interests between the public and the software developers according to the special attributes of computer software and the needs of the development of computer software industry. The author thinks that special legislation to protect computer software is a reasonable measure, but it is not easy to make laws. Therefore, we can use existing legal resources to protect computer software collaboratively. Based on the characteristics of computer software, combined with other influencing factors, and according to the national conditions of our country, and drawing on the advanced legislative experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the construction and perfection of the coordinated legal protection of software industry in China. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the legal attributes of computer software collaborative protection, through the definition of computer software and computer program in the legislation of various countries, determines the general software in commercial software; In the second part, the author analyzes the influence factors of computer software cooperative protection, and finds that the special properties of computer software both "work" and "function" are the main reasons for computer software collaborative protection. The third part analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing computer software protection model, especially the development and change of the theory and practice in Europe and the United States. The fourth part combines the situation of our country, insists on the principle of balance of interests, and makes full use of the existing legal resources, according to the current situation and problems of our legislation, the fourth part is to provide reference for the legal protection of computer software in our country. Some preliminary suggestions are put forward to construct the legal cooperative protection of computer software.
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