[Abstract]:The modern economy is dominated by the market economy, and more social elements are commercialized. Even the personality elements that depend on the individual citizens have a tendency to commercialize. For example, the right to name is a typical example. In practice, some merchants use their names for commercial publicity in order to take advantage of the celebrity effect. There are two reasons for this. On the one hand, because of the enormous commercial value behind the celebrity names, Merchants can fully explore this value in order to improve their product reputation and corporate image, thus increasing their profits. On the other hand, it is also limited to the lack of legislation regulating the commercial use of the name right in our country. As a result of the above two reasons, there is a regulatory loophole in the regulation of the commercial use of the name right, thus the phenomenon of using the name of another person arbitrarily for commercial use without the permission of the right holder or without legal reason. The result of this behavior is that there are double losses to the spiritual and economic interests of the obligee, which will further lead to social contradictions and disputes. The phenomenon of commercial use of name right in our country has developed rapidly after the reform and opening up. Under this background, the legislation has not regulated this kind of problem in time and effectively. There are more and more social disputes about the commercial use of the name right due to the serious lag of the existing relevant legislative system. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how to regulate the commercial use of name right in theory. Due to the uncertainty of existing legislation, there is no consensus on whether the attribute of name right is spiritual attribute or property attribute. As for the legislative means in the future, the legislature can only make a theoretical exploration of the commercial use of the right of name. After all, our country has not yet formed a mature legislative measure. In view of this, the author tries to put forward the following theoretical research on how to perfect the commercial use of the name right in legislation, starting from the evolution and research status quo of the commercial use of the name right, based on the types of the commercial use of the name right and the current situation of the legislative regulation. Combing out the lack of commercial use of the name right and the dilemma of the application of specific laws, and then using the perspective of comparative law to compare and learn from the mature legislative experience of major foreign countries in the commercial use of the name right. In order to break through the legislative dilemma of the commercial use of the name right in our country, we hope to provide some reference legislative path for our country to formulate the relevant rules in the future.
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