[Abstract]:The empty ownership transaction of retention of usufruct is a traditional method of property distribution in the continental law system. With the flexibility of ownership, the owner retains the right to use the proceeds after the empty ownership of the transferred thing. As a result, ownership and usufruct power are assigned to different subjects. This system originated from Roman law. In an aging society and economic crisis, European countries through this way to achieve the purpose of housing pension. In the case of a shortage of capital, the old man divides the house into two smaller value objects, then sells the empty ownership and continues to live in the original, while the investor can buy an empty ownership for a relatively small sum. In the existing research in our country, the main reference is the American reverse mortgage system, but due to the lack of supporting financial environment, the practice progress is slow, and in the system for the transfer of ownership and housing maintenance lack of adequate protection; The emptiness ownership transaction is based on the property law, the people can realize the will to provide for the aged by the will autonomy, the purchaser can also obtain the good investment opportunity. The research of this new path is helpful to promote the combination of housing endowment system and real right law.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学凯原法学院;
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