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发布时间:2018-11-01 18:51
【摘要】:犯罪现象是可认知的、可测量的。根据有关统计数据显示,我国近些年的少年犯罪总体呈上升走势,并伴随一些新的特点,如犯罪主体低龄化现象严重、案件类型多样化、犯罪暴力化程度加剧、新型犯罪不断涌现、作案手段成人化与智能化、团伙作案比重上升等。由于少年这个时期心理素质弱,易受到周围环境的影响,一旦出现行为偏差,则发展为不良行为,进而积累恶习,屡教不改,最终走上违法犯罪的道路。这些少年犯罪案件中,有相当一部分的少年,平时就具有一些不良行为,如经常逃课、离家出走、混迹于游戏厅与歌舞厅等不适宜少年久留的场所、打架斗殴、小偷小摸等等。如果父母、学校甚至是社会公众,及早发现少年的不良行为并加以重视,积极进行引导、教育,也许就不会发生一起起的悲剧事件。 我国《预防未成年人犯罪法》中规定了少年的不良行为,其行为性质与其他国家和地区的“少年虞犯”规定在一定内容上重合,,但我国对实施不良行为的少年的处遇措施却多以非刑罚方法和行政处罚措施为主,在此过程中可能涉及限制或者剥夺少年的人身自由,这与整个国际社会尊重少年、保护少年的司法理念相违背。而对比之下,其他国家和地区的少年虞犯有一个比较完备、独立的保护处分体系,在非监禁化、非刑罚化的理念引导下,明确了由轻至重的保护处分措施,以社区性保护处分为原则,以拘禁性保护处分为例外。少年虞犯是指那些实施的行为虽然未触犯刑法之刑罚,却有实施犯罪行为可能性的少年,其本身具有犯罪的潜在危险,若不加以正当、合理对待,极有可能促发少年实施真正的犯罪行为。其他国家和地区的少年虞犯保护处分制度是通过设立专门的调查机构对少年的个性特征、教育程度、家庭情形、社会环境、事件缘由、案后心理状态等情况进行全方位的调查,由少年法院依据调查的结果对少年做出不予或者予以一定保护处分的裁定。 少年虞犯的保护处分制度本着保护少年、预防少年犯罪的目的,对其适用轻缓化、非监禁化的处遇措施,一方面能够教育、改良少年,促使他们重归正常人的生活,消除他们身上的不稳定要素,另一方面可以保障少年的人权,避免其受到司法的不公正对待,激化他们的报复心理,对社会造成不良影响。我国目前存在的一些针对不良行为少年的处遇措施不具有替代刑罚的性质,一定情形下是作为刑罚的补充,并且大多属于行政处罚措施的范畴,因而在保护处分制度的确立与相关配套机构上的设置上存有缺陷。我国虽然未专门、系统化地规定保护处分,但是在内容规定上与其他国家和地区的保护处分大致相同,有学习、借鉴其他国家和地区相关制度的基础。
[Abstract]:Crime is cognitive and measurable. According to the relevant statistical data, juvenile delinquency in China has generally increased in recent years, accompanied by some new characteristics, such as the serious phenomenon of low age of the subject of crime, the diversification of cases, and the intensification of violent crime. New types of crimes are emerging, crime means become more and more intelligent, gang crime proportion is rising, and so on. As the psychological quality of juvenile is weak in this period, it is easy to be affected by the surrounding environment. Once the behavior deviates, it develops into bad behavior, and then accumulates bad habits, and does not change after repeated teaching, and finally steps on the road of illegal crime. In these juvenile delinquency cases, a considerable number of teenagers usually have some bad behavior, such as often skipping classes, running away from home, mixing in games halls and dance halls and other places unsuitable for teenagers to stay for a long time, fighting and fighting, petty theft, and so on. If parents, schools and even the public, early detection and attention to juvenile bad behavior, active guidance, education, may not occur a tragic event. The Chinese Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency provides for juvenile misconduct, the nature of which coincides with the provisions of "juvenile delinquency" in other countries and regions. However, in our country, the measures of dealing with juveniles who commit misconduct are mainly non-penal methods and administrative punishment measures, which may involve restricting or depriving juveniles of their personal liberty in this process, which is in keeping with the respect of the entire international community for juveniles. The idea of protecting juveniles is contrary to the concept of justice. In contrast, juvenile Yu in other countries and regions has committed a relatively complete and independent system of protection and punishment. Under the guidance of the concept of non-imprisonment and non-punishment, the measures of protection from light to heavy have been clearly defined. Community protection is the principle, and custodial protection is the exception. Juvenile delinquency is a kind of juvenile who has the possibility of committing a criminal act although he has not violated the penalty of criminal law. It has the potential danger of committing a crime, and if it is not justified, it should be treated reasonably. It is highly likely that a juvenile will be motivated to commit a real crime. The protection and punishment system for juvenile delinquency in other countries and regions is to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the juvenile's personality characteristics, education level, family situation, social environment, cause of events, post-case psychological state and so on through the establishment of a special investigation body. The juvenile court shall decide not to grant protection to the juvenile according to the result of the investigation. The system of protection and punishment for juvenile delinquents is aimed at protecting juveniles and preventing juvenile delinquency by applying the measures of light and non-custodial measures to them. On the one hand, they can educate and improve juveniles and make them return to normal people's lives. On the other hand, it can protect the human rights of juveniles, prevent them from being treated unjustly by judicature, intensify their vindictive mentality, and have a negative impact on society. At present, some of the measures for juvenile malpractice in our country do not have the nature of substitute punishment, they are supplementary to the punishment in certain circumstances, and most of them belong to the category of administrative punishment measures. Therefore, there are defects in the establishment of protective punishment system and the establishment of relevant supporting institutions. Although our country does not specifically and systemically stipulate the protection punishment, it is similar to the protection punishment of other countries and regions in terms of content, so we can learn from the relevant systems of other countries and regions and draw lessons from the foundation of the relevant systems of other countries and regions.


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