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发布时间:2018-11-05 11:24
[Abstract]:In recent years, the huge benefits brought about by the city's trade deficit have also led to a never-ending debate about the interests of the city's licensing. In practice, the Government has raised considerable controversy over the practice of allowing the "Right to issue and issue" of private buildings to be granted to the third person and to participate in the distribution of benefits granted by the third party. The core question of the dispute is how the private sector's licensing interests should be allocated? On the basis of combing the interests of the license in the current legislation, this paper discusses the distribution of the benefits of the license from the three aspects: the benefit distribution base, the benefit distribution mode and the benefit distribution object. The administrative regulation of the administrative department has undergone three stages of planning, licensing and supervision, and the license as the central link of the regulation mainly includes the license of the construction content, the license to set up the license and the planning permission of the construction project of the construction facility. In practice, it is mainly the dispute about the distribution of interests caused by the arrangement of licenses. In the diversified interests declaration provided by local legislation, the income from the establishment of the license is derived from the price of ownership of the building and the right to use of space. The benefits of building ownership are unquestioned by the owner of the building. Therefore, the distribution focus of the set of licensing benefits falls on the ownership of the urban space. Under the current legal system, the legal character of urban space is the land ownership and the use right of construction land. After the land ownership and the construction land use right have been separated, the construction land use right person and the land owner should enjoy the right to use the space within a certain range up and down on the earth's surface. The space scope enjoyed between the state of the land owner and the private owner of the construction land-use right shall first be confirmed according to the agreement of the assignment contract. In the absence of an agreement, space outside the contract agreement belongs to the owner of the land, but the right to use the space shall enjoy the space right within the reasonable use scope, and the reasonable utilization space scope depends on the nature and utilization mode of its utilization of the land. On the basis of the urban space ownership boundary, if the urban space is completely contained within the space scope of the land use right of the owner of the building, the corresponding income of the urban space shall be owned by the private owner; otherwise, If the space for the use of the land-use right range of the overflow construction land is used, the revenue from the overflow part shall be owned by the state and collected by the government on behalf of the state. In the distribution of benefits, in private buildings and in private spaces, the setting permits shall be in the normal permitted mode. In the case of public space resources occupying the city, administrative licensing shall be adopted, and the right to issue the public space shall be reasonably allocated through auction, bidding and other fair competition. On the basis of the compensation mechanism for setting the license, because of the limitation of the layout planning, the publishing right in the city space can only be obtained by the partial space owner or the right-to-use person, Therefore, the resource allocation planning for urban space has uneven distribution. Such a distribution mechanism has led to the failure of the right to use the right to use the land for the construction of land, but this is the common result of democratic consensus and scientific decision-making, and it is justified. Therefore, there is no right to compensation for the private right to be entitled to the right to issue owing to the planning. On the basis of the negative external effect of setting permission, the owner of the building obtains the corresponding compensation through the auction site lease agreement or the bidding auction, and the internalization of the external effect is realized. For the sake of equality principle and efficiency, the interests of the adjacent people of the building are also adversely affected, so that the adjacent people of the building should also obtain certain compensation from the income from which the permission is set.


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