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发布时间:2018-11-06 17:32
[Abstract]:The principle of fault offset is an important principle of liability sharing in compensation for damages. As the railway transportation industry is currently a special industry under the state monopoly, the application of the principle of fault offset in the case of compensation for personal injury in railway transportation is not only related to the liability of the victim and the transportation enterprise. It is also a matter of social stability. As a judge how to apply the principle under the particularity in order to achieve the unity of legal effect and social effect. Therefore, in order to understand the application of fault offset principle in railway transportation personal injury compensation cases, the author collected and selected 26 court judgment samples, and used empirical analysis, comparative method and other methods to analyze. In addition to the introduction, this article is composed of four parts: the first part is the question of the relevant legal texts as the entry point. In order to understand the application of the principle in practical departments, the author collected 44 judgments and selected 26 for analysis and summary according to the need of writing. It has been found that the accurate application of the fault offset principle by the court in such cases cannot avoid three focal points: whether the victim is at fault and whether the railway transport company is doing its best to protect itself. The duty of warning and the share division of railway transportation enterprises are analyzed. The second part is the determination of the fault of the victim when the principle of fault offset is applied in the compensation for personal injury of railway transportation. Firstly, the nature of the fault of the victim is qualitatively analyzed, then the category of the fault of the victim in such cases and the criterion of identification are analyzed, and on this basis, the fault of the victim is classified in the sample. The third part is the identification of railway transportation enterprises safety protection, warning and other obligations. First, the theoretical basis of the obligation is analyzed, then the content of the obligation is described. Finally, what criteria should be adopted to determine the obligation in a specific case are analyzed. The fourth part is the division of liability share when the principle of fault offset is applied in compensation for personal injury in railway transportation. On the basis of the second part and the third part, how to make a fair and reasonable division of responsibility ratio, according to the traditional viewpoint of fault comparison theory and reason force comparison theory, the author puts forward that this kind of cases should adopt fault comparison theory. The criterion of division is the comparison of causative force.


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