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发布时间:2018-11-10 07:55
[Abstract]:The liability of compensation for registration errors of real estate registration institutions plays a key role in protecting private rights, supervising administration according to law, and maintaining the efficient and fair operation of the system. At present, there are some problems in our country's legal regulation and judicial practice. Therefore, the system of liability for false registration of real estate registration institutions in China should be amended. This article is composed of preface, text, conclusion and so on. The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is mainly about the problem of wrong definition of real estate registration. Academically there are broad sense, narrow sense, compromise theory and so on. Because our country adopts the property right change mode of creditor's right formalism, the compromise theory is more in accord with the reality of our country. In addition, the scope of registration errors also includes the agency's pure violation of registration procedures, such as late registration, failure to comply with the obligation to inform, and so on. The second chapter analyzes the nature of the liability of the registration agencies in China, the principle of liability, the specific form and the standard of examination in the legal provisions, judicial practice problems and academic disputes. The third chapter analyzes the problems and the causes of the dispute. This paper analyzes the existing problems and the causes of disputes from three aspects: theory, institution and thinking. The main causes are as follows: under the research paradigm of the theory of the division of public and private law, the angle of view of the linkage between public and private law is lacking; there are duplicates and conflicts between the legal provisions of the state's liability for compensation, and there are differences between the thinking of legal research and the thinking of legal practice, etc. The fourth chapter is the perfect part of the liability system of the registration institution in our country. The system of compensation for false registration of immovable property in our country should be improved from the following aspects: first, it is clear that the nature of the liability for compensation of registration errors is administrative liability for compensation; Secondly, under the premise that the principle of imputation of administrative compensation liability is illegal, the scope of "Law" is defined, that is, the principle of inclusion; third, the concrete form of liability for registration errors is straightened out. In general, the responsibility of the registration institution is a separate liability; in the case of malicious collusion, the liability of the institution is a special joint liability; in the case of no intention contact infringement, the liability of the registration institution is not genuine joint and several liability. Fourth, perfect the standard of registration examination, determine and perfect the standard of examination with the principle of benefit greater than cost, principle of examination ability and respect for the principle of autonomy of the applicant for registration, including the behavior of examining the reasons for registration in writing. Examine the authenticity and validity of the identity certificate and the title certificate, and find out whether the relevant documents are basically the same as the application for registration.


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