[Abstract]:With the transformation of society and the aggravation of journalism competition, the dissemination of news works has entered the network age. Under the background of integration and competition between traditional media and new network media, the new network media has more extensive and diversified ways of spreading news works, and the timeliness and public welfare of news works, the openness and concealment of network communication, etc. In recent years, the phenomenon of copyright infringement of news works in news activities shows an increasing trend. Although the concept of the rule of law in the whole society has been constantly strengthened and the legal awareness of journalists has been greatly improved, in order to take the lead in the fierce competition, some news media have unconsciously exceeded the bottom line of the law. Infringement of the copyright of news works cases are common. The current copyright Law of our country deals with the issue of copyright protection of news works. Other regulations on copyright protection of news works are scattered in some administrative regulations and normative documents. However, due to the ambiguity of the legal provisions and various norms, it is difficult to operate the judicial practice. In general, with the development of network technology and the global spread of information technology, it is difficult to meet the practical requirements of relevant laws and regulations in China, so it is particularly important to protect the copyright of news works under the network environment. This paper takes a typical case of copyright dispute in news works, Beijing Youth Daily Society v. Beijing Sina Internet Information Service Co., Ltd., as the object of study, and analyzes the focus of the dispute and the legal problems highlighted in such cases. This paper combs the relevant theories such as the reasonable use of the copyright of news works, the ownership of copyright rights and the compensation for damages and so on, which are involved in the case. Some suggestions on how to perfect the copyright protection of news works in the network era are put forward in order to adapt to the complex situation of the copyright of news works under the current network environment.
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