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发布时间:2018-12-14 17:27
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's market economy, the gap between urban and rural areas is widening. In order to change the present situation of family poverty, a large number of migrant workers "march into" large cities to work or do business, because they do not have the ability to move their children with them. Therefore, it leads to the existence of the special subject of rural left-behind children in our country. At present, the problem of rural children left behind has become a hot issue in our society. China is always committed to the development of education, and the right to education of children left behind in rural areas is definitely worth our in-depth study. Law is a powerful tool and means to protect the rights of citizens, and the right to education of children left behind in rural areas must be realized with the aid of law. However, the current situation of rural left-behind children receiving education is not optimistic. From the current situation, left-behind children's right to education has not been given due legal protection. In order to get rid of this dilemma, the author explores the right to education of left-behind children in rural areas from the aspect of legal protection. There are four parts in this paper: firstly, the research on the right to education of left-behind children in rural areas is expounded. Secondly, the related basic theory of this thesis is expounded. Such as the concept of rural left-behind children, the particularity of their right to education and so on. Thirdly, from the four aspects of legislation, administrative legal system, judicature, family guardianship, this paper expounds the current situation of the legal protection of the right to education of rural left-behind children in our country, and analyzes the existing problems of the right to education of rural left-behind children in our country under the current situation. It is mainly reflected in the defects of relevant legislation, the lack of educational administrative law enforcement, the obstruction of judicial remedy, the weak legal consciousness of migrant workers, and the deficiency of educational financial input. Finally, the author puts forward some feasible suggestions for the problems described in the paper. It is suggested that we should strengthen the construction of relevant legislation, further improve our guardianship system and household registration system, strengthen the standardization of educational administrative law enforcement, perfect our country's law enforcement supervision system, and further broaden the avenues of judicial relief. Strengthen the awareness of the legal rights of migrant workers and their children, accelerate the improvement of our education investment mechanism.


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