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发布时间:2018-12-19 18:42
【摘要】:高空抛物侵权并不是一种新型的侵权方式,早在罗马法中就有记载。我国学者对高空抛物侵权的研究也不是起步阶段,2001年至2006年期间,高空抛物致人损害的几个典型案件的发生,及其引发的众多学者讨论,为《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》(以下简称《侵权责任法》)对高空抛物侵权的立法奠定了理论基础。如今,距《侵权责任法》实施已有4年,涉及高空抛物侵权的法规运行如何呢?本文以高空抛物侵权责任主体为对象,对有关高空抛物侵权责任主体认定的学说进行梳理,通过学说对立法的影响,结合我国《侵权责任法》第八十七条在实践中面临司法瓶颈、道德风险、公共安全问题,提出增加物业管理机构作为高空抛物侵权责任主体的构想,并从物业管理机构的社区管理主体身份、安全保障义务、社会经济效率分析了物业管理机构作为高空抛物侵权责任主体的合理性。除绪论外本文正文分为三个部分。第一部分简要界定高空抛物侵权行为及高空抛物侵权责任主体的概念。高空抛物侵权行为是由不确定的侵权行为人从高层建筑物内抛掷物品,致使他人人身或财产损害的行为。高空抛物侵权责任主体是高空抛物侵权行为产生后,代替侵权行为人承担高空抛物侵权责任的主体。高空抛物侵权责任主体有四种学说一分担责任说、连带责任说、区分说、社会救济说, 《侵权责任法》以“可能加害的建筑物使用人”作为高空抛物侵权责任主体,即受分担责任说、连带责任说、区分说构成的肯定说派(支持由“建筑物的所有人或全体使用人”承担高空抛物侵权责任)的影响。第二部分指出由“可能加害的建筑物使用人”作为我国高空抛物侵权责任的唯一承担主体,面临加害行为的不道德性被弱化的风险;面临公安机关懈怠查明侵权人,法院的判决上诉率高,执行率低等司法瓶颈效应;面临因此而增大的公共安全风险问题。第三部分在前文的基础上提出增加物业管理人作为我国高空抛物侵权责任主体的构想。从法学角度、社会学角度、经济学角度论证物业管理机构作为责任承担主体的合理性及必要性。论证增加物业管理机构作为责任承担主体,弱化可能加害的建筑物使用人作为责任承担主体可以实现侵权法对救济权利与维护一般自由的平衡,解决现有立法引发的问题。
[Abstract]:High-altitude parabolic tort is not a new type of tort, as early as the Roman law has been recorded. From 2001 to 2006, several typical cases of parabolic damage caused by parabola occurred in our country, and many scholars discussed it. It lays a theoretical foundation for the legislation of the tort liability law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Tort liability Law). Now, from the "tort liability law" has been implemented for four years, involving parabolic infringement of high-altitude regulations how to operate? This article takes the subject of parabolic tort liability as the object, combs the theory about the confirmation of the subject of parabolic tort liability at high altitude, and the influence of the doctrine on legislation. Combined with the judicial bottleneck, moral hazard and public safety problems faced in the practice of Article 87 of our country's Tort liability Law, this paper puts forward the idea of increasing the property management organization as the subject of parabolic tort liability. The rationality of the property management organization as the subject of parabolic tort liability is analyzed from the status of the community management body, the duty of safety and security, and the social and economic efficiency. In addition to the introduction, the text is divided into three parts. The first part briefly defines the concept of parabolic tort and parabolic tort liability. High-altitude parabolic tort is an act of throwing objects from a high-rise building by an indeterminate tortfeasor causing personal or property damage to others. The subject of parabolic tort liability in high altitude is the subject of tort liability in place of tortfeasor. There are four theories on the subject of parabolic tort liability: liability theory, joint and several liability theory, social relief theory, tort liability law taking "building user who may harm" as the subject of parabolic tort liability at high altitude. That is to say, it is influenced by the doctrine of shared liability, the theory of joint liability, the doctrine of distinction, and the affirmation that "the owner or all the users of the building" bear the tort liability of parabola at high altitude. The second part points out that, as the sole subject of tort liability of parabolic tort in China, the "building user who may inflict harm" is faced with the risk of weakening the immoral character of the injurious behavior. In the face of the public security organ slacking to find out the infringer, the court's judgment appeal rate is high, the execution rate is low, and the judicial bottleneck effect is faced with the public security risk. The third part puts forward the idea of adding property manager as the subject of parabolic tort liability in China. From the angle of law, sociology and economics, the rationality and necessity of the property management organization as the main body of responsibility are demonstrated. It is demonstrated that increasing the property management institution as the main body of responsibility and weakening the building user who may be harmed as the main body of responsibility can achieve the balance between the right of relief and the maintenance of general freedom in tort law, and solve the problems caused by the existing legislation.


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