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发布时间:2018-12-30 20:22
[Abstract]:The popularity of smart phones has greatly enriched people's daily lives. However, mobile phone manufacturers, software manufacturers and other enterprises are under intense competition to protect their own interests. It can be seen everywhere that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are damaged by illegal means, such as stealing consumers' privacy, secretly consuming traffic and malicious charges. Mobile phone preinstalled software by compulsory installation and not to uninstall, independent operation and other ways to damage the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Due to the lag of the law, there are gaps and gaps in the legislation of our country, and the mutual restriction norms between the industries have not been formed, so it is difficult for consumers to protect their legitimate rights and interests through the law. In order to protect their legitimate rights and interests, the voice of using legal means to regulate mobile phone preinstalled software is getting louder and higher. How to solve the negative effects of this technology through legal means is an urgent problem to be solved. In the process of writing, this paper explores the concept, nature and characteristics of mobile phone preinstalled software based on the current data and literature. Through the multi-angle research, this paper probes into the defects and shortcomings of the existing laws in standardizing the mobile phone pre-installed software, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the relevant legislation. At the same time, through government intervention and legal means to protect the rights and interests of consumers to jointly curb the infringement of mobile phone preinstalled software, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. For the sustainable development of mobile phone software, mobile phone manufacturers, software manufacturers and other industries should also establish practical and effective industry norms to jointly abide by and restrain their own behavior, so that the interests of the industry can be safeguarded. Can also protect the legitimate rights and interests of mobile phone users.


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