[Abstract]:Under the background that the economic level of our country has been greatly improved and the process of market opening has been speeding up day by day, a new mode of cooperation has emerged in the domestic market, that is, the company will transfer its own business to other institutions to deal with it. The emergence of this new mode of cooperation has broken through the limitations of the traditional business model of the company and expanded the scope of business of the company, but at the same time, it also made the operation of the company have certain risks. A new problem arises-the possibility of damaging the interests of third parties in the course of acting by other agencies. Every country and region in the world has the system of user responsibility which adapts to its market, but it is different in the name of the system and the way of the responsibility. The United Kingdom, the United States and other countries adopt the "employer substitution responsibility system", while many countries in the continental law system adopt the "employer responsibility system". In addition, Taiwan is currently applicable to a more special "employer-liability". At present, our country to this problem regulation is not unified. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the basic theory and connotation of user substitution responsibility. Firstly, the author analyzes and defines the concept of the user, the user and the substitute responsibility of the user, and secondly, introduces the nature of the substitute responsibility of the user. In the end, the author expatiates on the relevant theories of user substitution liability in the field of legal theory, and finds out its advantages and disadvantages, and finally comes to the theoretical basis for the application of the system. The second part mainly expounds the constitutive elements and the principle of liability imputation. This paper mainly discusses the different provisions of the principle of imputation of user substitution liability in various countries, and analyzes the nature of the principle of imputation of user substitution liability in our country, and the three constitutive elements of the application process of user substitute liability. The third part mainly discusses the problems involved in the substitution liability. This part through the analysis of the internal responsibility and the external responsibility to bear two aspects of the responsibility to draw conclusions, followed by an analysis of the relevant issues in the right of recovery. It is suggested that due consideration should be given to providing for the user's right to recover from the user. This is also an effective way to consider the current situation of our legislation to safeguard the fairness and justice of the law. The fourth part describes the current legislation of the user liability system in China and a series of consummation issues that need to be carried out on this basis. First of all, it summarizes the current situation of the system of user substitution responsibility system in our country, focusing on the analysis of the problem that the system of user substitution responsibility is still to be perfected in our country. On the basis of reference to foreign judicial practice, the author thinks about the existing problems in our country, and puts forward some suggestions on the improvement of the entity and procedure of the substitute responsibility of the user.
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