[Abstract]:Domestic operators and foreign investors make use of the differences in legal and accounting systems and sign a series of agreements with domestic business operating entities through listed entities registered overseas, By separating the listed entity registered abroad from the domestic business operating entity, bypassing the regulatory requirements of the state regulatory authority, the domestic business entity can realize overseas financing, and the foreign investor may realize indirect control over the domestic enterprise, In this case, a series of agreements signed are called VIE protocol. VIE protocol is the core of protocol control, and its essence is that one enterprise realizes indirect control over another enterprise through contract rather than equity. The protocol control based on VIE protocol was first listed in 2000 and then copied by a large number of enterprises in our country. It is mainly used in the field of innovation and growth such as TMT (technology/media/telecom) and so on. With the rapid development of China's Internet industry and e-commerce industry, it is obvious to all that the agreement control with VIE as the core has made outstanding contribution to the development of Chinese economy. However, the conflict between the VIE agreement and the legal spirit of the existing supervision, the long silence of the regulatory authorities on the VIE agreement, the controversial validity of the VIE agreement in practice, the uncertainty of the legal effect of the VIE agreement, In fact, the VIE protocol is in the state of "naked running", and the legal risk is prominent. The author thinks that the key to consider the validity of VIE protocol lies in whether VIE protocol is effective, whether VIE protocol should be effective and what factors affect the effectiveness of VIE protocol. In order to fully clarify the above three problems, this paper intends to start from seven parts: the first part, mainly from the reality of the actual situation, the VIE protocol is faced with the practical difficulties, leading to the writing background, the main purpose of this paper. The second part mainly introduces the basic situation of VIE protocol, including the overview of VIE protocol, the status of VIE protocol in protocol control, and the constitution of VIE protocol. To clarify the basic situation of VIE protocol is helpful to discuss the effectiveness of VIE protocol later. The third part introduces the background and development of VIE protocol in China. From the root point of view, the choice of VIE protocol is a "helpless act" for domestic operators and foreign investors. Up to now, the scope of VIE protocol is more and more extensive, and the hidden risks are huge. It is urgent to solve the VIE problem quickly. The fourth part, mainly carries on the system analysis to the VIE agreement in our country contract validity. The author believes that the VIE agreement does not violate the law and the mandatory provisions of administrative regulations, nor is it appropriate to declare the VIE agreement null and void on the basis of "concealing the illegal purpose in a lawful form". The VIE agreement has the legal risk of nullifying because of "harming the public interest". In the fifth part, we analyze the validity of VIE protocol in theory. Based on the discussion of five kinds of value theories and the "principle of proportionality", the validity of VIE should not be completely denied, but the scope of application should be limited. The sixth part, the VIE agreement validity system consummates the proposal. First of all, in the external environment, improve the domestic capital market system, establish a multi-level capital market, expand access channels for foreign capital; Secondly, in terms of self-perfection, the relevant provisions should be revised to correct the name of "VIE" agreement, further improve the legal provisions of invalid contract, improve the operability of civil legislation, emphasize the connection between civil legislation and public law, and pay attention to information disclosure. The seventh part, in view of the above six parts to carry on the summary. The author believes that the validity of VIE should be fully affirmed in legislation, but in order to prevent the excessive application of VIE, it is necessary to limit the scope of application of VIE and eliminate the factors that have a negative impact on VIE effectiveness.
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