[Abstract]:In recent years, the impact of patent cockroaches on the economic development and technological innovation of various countries has been continuously expanded, and the regulatory measures of patent cockroaches have been introduced one after another. Patent cockroach belongs to speculative NPE, to define it correctly is the premise of effective regulation. Patent-friendly policy, high litigation costs, characteristics of patent involved are the reasons for the emergence of patent cockroaches. At present, some patented cockroach companies have developed other more covert new business models based on the use of traditional business models and litigation strategies to extort high litigation compensation. Patented cockroaches curtail innovation, cut social welfare, increase litigation costs and hurt consumers. Therefore, it is urgent to regulate patented cockroaches at the legal level. The United States as a typical western countries have taken measures to regulate patented cockroaches, China should learn from it. In legislation, we should strengthen the regulation of patented cockroaches by perfecting patent law, anti-unfair competition law and anti-monopoly law. At the same time, Chinese enterprises should take corresponding measures to deal with the threat of patent cockroaches, such as enhancing the independent innovation ability of enterprises, applying for patent invalidation or using counterclaim means, joining defensive NPE, to formulate enterprise patent strategy and so on.
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