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发布时间:2019-03-02 10:30
[Abstract]:With the further development of the economy, resources are becoming increasingly scarce. In order to give full play to the utility of land resources, land has gradually begun to take the road of stratification and three-dimensional use. Above the land is the space, and the layered use of the land means that the space begins to enter into a wide range of social production and life. As a result, various systems related to the ownership of space have emerged, and the concept of "the right to use construction land" has been used in the property Law of China. However, many of the rights involved in space and its disputes are not covered by a single "space right", just as land-related rights cannot be clarified only by "land rights". The spatial servitude in this paper belongs to the subordination concept of the spatial right, but it has its own unique value and should have an independent legal status. But at present, there is little research on spatial servitude in academic circles, and its system construction also needs to be further discussed. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part is the definition of spatial servitude. Firstly, the paper analyzes the meaning of spatial servitude, re-examines the traditional concept of "easement", expounds the shortcomings of traditional human servitude and easement, and introduces the concept of spatial servitude. Secondly, the paper discusses the value attribute of spatial servitude, which enriches the real right system in theory and meets the needs of society in practice. Finally, the paper analyzes the concepts related to spatial servitude. The second part is a comparative study of space rights. Based on the connection between space servitude and space right, this paper first describes the origin of space right, secondly, it introduces the dispute about the meaning of space right in foreign theoretical circles. Thirdly, the paper introduces the different legislative models of space servitude in the two legal systems. Finally, based on the analysis of the origin, meaning and legislative mode of the above-mentioned space right, the paper draws a conclusion. The third part is the application of spatial servitude system. This paper mainly studies the applicable space of spatial servitude in our country, and emphatically analyzes the independence of spatial servitude in the system of usufruct right in our country, and the contradiction between spatial servitude and existing one-property-one-principle in our country. The fourth part is the system construction of spatial servitude. This paper makes a systematic analysis of the spatial servitude system from three aspects: the constitution, the change and the restriction of the right, and puts forward the thought of the system construction and the legislative suggestion, in order to make sure the system is finally integrated into the usufruct system of our country.


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