[Abstract]:The compilation of China's Civil Code should solve the problem of "four orientations": "China oriented" means to respond to and solve the practical problems in China on the basis of investigation of civil and judicial customs. On the issue of localization and nationalization, we should adhere to the idea that "there are trade-offs in transplantation and innovation in reference". The era-oriented "that is, the compilation of the Civil Code has a distinct attribute of the times, it is necessary to respond to the needs of the times in the game of preservation and innovation." System-oriented "means that under the guidance of formal rationality and individualism, the codification of civil code should integrate the system outside the civil code by means of legal relations, and revolve around the autonomy of private law, good faith and credit." Public order, good custom and trust protection to construct the system in the Civil Code. The compilation of the civil code should adhere to the "judicial orientation", take the basis of the right of claim as the core, unify the norm of the right of claim, the auxiliary norm and the norm of opposition, and deal well with the connection and coordination between the substantive law of civil law and the law of procedure.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学法学院;山东政法学院;
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