[Abstract]:The inheritance Law of our country was promulgated in 1985, with the aim of realizing the principle of providing for the aged, protecting the interests of inheritance heirs mainly. There are few provisions on safeguarding the rights and interests of the estate creditors, so it is not convenient to dispute the inheritance in practice. Settlement of disputes over inheritance claims. However, China's Enterprise bankruptcy Law is only applicable to enterprises as legal persons, so it is difficult to adapt to the social needs and the trend of general bankruptcy is adopted in all countries and regions of the world at present. The construction of estate bankruptcy system will supplement the inadequacies of bankruptcy law and provide legal basis for solving the problems related to estate bankruptcy. This article will introduce the estate bankruptcy system, make more people know, understand this system; Through the analysis of the needs of social development and the need to safeguard the rights and interests of the people concerned, this paper expounds the necessity of setting up the estate bankruptcy system in China, and provides a realistic basis for its establishment. Through the establishment of the basic system of estate bankruptcy system and the detailed explanation of the specific problems, it is more practical and feasible to set up the estate bankruptcy system. Based on the analysis of the establishment of estate bankruptcy system in other countries and regions, this paper makes some reasonable suggestions on some controversial points according to the specific situation of our country. For example, (1) there are different views on the nature of estate bankruptcy system. Some scholars think that estate bankruptcy has both the nature of bankruptcy law and inheritance law, but this paper thinks that estate bankruptcy belongs to bankruptcy system and belongs to bankruptcy law in nature. It not only embodies the social function of providing for the aged and children of the estate, but also protects the right of the estate creditor to be paid off equally. (2) for the subject of the bankruptcy of the estate, there are the views of the subject of the heir and the theory of the subject of the heir. The author agrees with the view that the estate itself is regarded as the subject of bankruptcy, so that the estate can be qualified for bankruptcy through legislation. (3) for the reasons of the bankruptcy of the estate, Japan, The bankruptcy laws of Britain and Taiwan are both set as insolvency, but the author agrees with the German rule that payment incapacity and insolvency are the reasons for estate bankruptcy. The establishment of insolvent debt requires a comparison between the debtor's assets and liabilities. And the payment can not need to make the estate and the debt contrast, only requires the estate to satisfy the non-payment condition, the related right subject can apply for estate bankruptcy. The establishment of the estate bankruptcy system will satisfy many needs: (1) make the problems such as the repayment of the estate debt have a legal basis, so that the interests of the estate debtor and the estate creditor can be balanced and the interests of the estate debtor and the estate creditor can be balanced. In order to solve the legacy dispute better. (2) to fill the blank of the bankruptcy law of our country, to solve the problem that the legal system of our country is not perfect to a certain extent. It is necessary to perfect the legal system of our country. (3) it is beneficial for the bankruptcy system of our country to be in line with the international standards, can better carry on the mutual legal assistance and exchange among the countries, promote the modernization of the legal system of our country, and the development of globalization.
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