[Abstract]:There is a serious inconsistency in the interpretation of the general terms of the subject matter of the prohibition of the registration of the trade mark in the judicial practice. This conflict of interpretation undermines the predictability of the law and the stability of the state of interest. The explanation of the conflict is first from the logic and expression of the legislation, and it is difficult to derive an authoritative interpretation from the text to unify the differences. In the absence of a fundamental high distinction between different interpretations, the judiciary should, as far as possible, respect the previous decision-making practice and promote the achievement of the consensus, and should not be excessively attached to the "I've seen". In selecting a uniform interpretation scheme, it is important to focus on the relationship between the articles and not to interpret the single clause in isolation. There is a need to retain the distinction between rights and legal interests, and it is not appropriate to use the "first-first-rights" to protect the benefits.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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