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发布时间:2019-04-27 06:33
[Abstract]:Mortgage is an important guarantee mode stipulated in China's guarantee law, and it plays an important role in market transactions. In practice, the mortgage system mainly involves the transfer of real estate and chattel collateral. The so-called transfer of collateral refers to the act that the mortgagor as the debtor establishes a mortgage on a property for the purpose of securing the creditor's claim and then freely dispenses the mortgaged property and transfers it to the buyer. After the transfer of mortgaged property, there will often be conflicts of interest between mortgagee and mortgagee. It is necessary to protect the legal rights and interests of the mortgagee in order to protect the security of transactions and the legal rights and interests of the mortgagee. The transfer system of mortgaged property in our country is mainly embodied in Article 191 of property Law, but the provisions of this Law are not scientific. This article starts with the current situation of the transfer of collateral in our country, and then combines the typical institutional models involved in the transfer of collateral in the major civil law countries such as Germany, France and Japan. It is expected to give some inspiration to the buyer's interest protection in the mortgage transfer system of our country. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is a summary of the problems existing in the transfer of mortgaged property in China through the provisions of Article 191 of the property Law. In our country, the transfer of mortgagee is restricted by the consent of the mortgagor. Although there are some reasonable points in this mode, the regulation of restricting the transfer of mortgagee is not only unnecessary but also has many disadvantages. The system of subrogation of assignees has defects, the scope of application of the system is limited, and the attitude of alternative settlement system in the property Law is not clear. There is no special relief or protection mechanism for the buyer in the transfer of collateral in the current mortgage transfer system in our country. The absence of protection to the buyer of the mortgage affects the normal security of the transaction. The second part focuses on the analysis of foreign collateral buyer's rights and interests protection methods. Such as France's elimination system, Japan's removal system, mortgage elimination claim system, and the "dualism" legislative model that recognizes the effectiveness of mortgage rights and provides for pre-emptive privileges, as well as a "dualistic" legislative model that recognizes the effectiveness of mortgage rights and provides for pre-emptive privileges. Germany allows the free circulation of collateral transfer and a sound mortgage registration public system. The third part proposes how to protect the interests of bona fide buyers in the transfer of collateral. The relaxation of the restriction on the transfer of mortgaged property is based on the choice of legislative value. The unified registration system of real estate is of great significance to the protection of the rights of buyers of mortgaged property. It is the inevitable requirement of the development of market economy and the result of practical experience. From the reason of the system of eliminating right and its operation, the difference between the mode of change of property right and the tradition of law, it is concluded that the system of eliminating right is not applicable in our country, and there is no need to introduce it. In the transfer of chattel collateral, the system structure of "subrogation and pursuit" can be adopted.


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