[Abstract]:Roman law created the problem of the concurrence of civil and criminal litigation rights, which did not distinguish the respect and inferiority of the two kinds of litigation rights, and allowed the victims to choose to exercise the right of action for profit. Medieval law established the concept of inferiority and inferiority of the criminal system, which became the main basis of the criminal collateral civil litigation system. This system was formed in the French Code of Criminal instruction in 1808, which affected many countries and regions, including our country. The system has the advantages of saving litigation costs and doing one thing at the same time, but it has the fundamental difference of obliterating the litigation of the criminal, and the malpractice of penalizing the people on the basis of the people. Therefore, some countries represented by the United States have chosen the system of dividing criminal action between the people and the people. Article 187 of the General provisions of Civil Law establishes the system of lenient punishment by the people, but its applicable procedural law condition is the system of giving punishment to the people and neglecting the people. The system regards criminal proceedings as a prerequisite for relevant civil proceedings. In this way, there is a strong confrontation between the light punishment of the people in the substantive law and the system of the punishment of the people in the procedural law. The solution is to recognize the right to choose the litigation mode of the criminal victim in the judicial interpretation, and to recognize that the criminal liability and civil liability participating in the competition are not all property, so it can be avoided completely from the point of view of execution. According to the exercise of the right of action and the path of litigation jurisdiction, the concurrence of criminal responsibility in our country is stipulated.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学法学院;
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