[Abstract]:The registration of the property right cannot be solved by the real estate registration authority, and the unification of the registration of the household registration and the registration of the marriage cannot be solved, and the registration of the company registration and the social group cannot be solved. The establishment of the real estate registration bureau is the result of the current reform, and the establishment of the property registration bureau is the goal of the next reform, and the establishment of the civil and commercial registration bureau is the goal of the long-term reform. It is the theoretical basis of the establishment of the civil and commercial registration bureau, which is the theory of public notice of the third person, the large-part system of the government institution and the large data theory of the construction of the social credit system. German civil and commercial registration is concentrated in the grass-roots court, and the civil and commercial registration of Japan is concentrated in the French Bureau. The civil and commercial registration of our country is wrong, the remedy system led by the administrative litigation is taken, the administrative supervision color is strong, and the essential requirement of the registration is not met. On the basis of the overall reform thinking, the future civil and commercial registration bureau of our country should be classified as the direct department of the State Council at the positive and ministerial level, adopt the central vertical management system, and set up the civil and commercial registration officer system through the national judicial qualification examination.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学法学院;
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