[Abstract]:The custody contract is a practical non-essential contract, which takes the delivery of the depository as the essential element and does not require a special form. Both parties may conclude the custody contract either orally or in writing. The depositary shall pay the custody certificate, but it is not the formal element of the custody contract. If the parties agree otherwise or do not need to pay the custody certificate in accordance with the trading custom, they may also not pay the custody certificate, which does not affect the establishment of the custody contract.-case number first instance: (2014) Hu an Mei Shang initial word No. 311 second instance: (2015) Zhejiang Lake Merchants final word 166 [case] plaintiff (second instance appellant): gan Zhiping, Xin Meicheng. Defendant (appellant in second instance): ni Hongfu,
【作者单位】: 浙江省安吉县人民法院;
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