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  本文关键词: 我国 商事 登记 立法 研究 出处:《华东政法学院》2002年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:商事登记(我国称为企业登记)是创设商事主体的法律制度,也是保障交易安全的重要手段。其早在中古时代的意大利及地中海地区就已经开始出现。而近现代的商事登记制度在1861年《普通德意志商法典》中诞生。我国具有实质意义上的商事登记法的开始是1937年国民政府正式制定了类似于德国和日本的商业登记法。 新中国成立后,我国基本形成了较为完整的商事登记法律体系。但随着市场经济的发展及国际形势的变化,愈来愈显示出立法分散,内容重叠矛盾;效率低下,行政机关自由裁量权过大等问题。而我国50多年的企业登记立法经验及登记实践,已为系统化的立法提供了法律实践和立法技术上的基础性条件。当前现代企业制度的初步建立,公司制已成为我国未来企业发展的基本方向。因此,统一《商事登记法》的制订已刻不容缓,也具备了立法的条件。 WP=3 鉴此,我提出如下立法建议:1、应确立“立足本国、借鉴外国、突出商事主体的共同性,重程序、重高效”的商事登记立法指导思想。2、在立法体例上,系统立法是商事登记立法的唯一选择。3、需进行商事登记的商事主体的范围应为从事商事行为(或称经营活动)的企业,排斥个体工商户。4、审查应采用折衷审查主义。5、商事登记管辖权应相对集中,按法人登记与营业登记划分,省级登记主管机关负责企业法人登记;地(市)级登记主管机关负责营业登记;国家工商行政管理总局负责法律、法规的制订和工作指导,不直接从事登记事务。6、登记主管机关只审核企业名称是否重名,是否有明显不正当竞争或不合时宜的行为,并加强对知名、著名商号、商标的保护,其保护是全行业,跨地区的。对于企业名称近似的争议交由法院来解决,登记主管机关根据法院的裁决行使企业名称的撤销权。7、经过公告的登记事项才具有法律效力。8、明确登记官员对自己的登记事务应承担个人责任。9、应明确商事登记对第三人效力,包括网络登记、电子版营业执照的法律效力问题。10、登记事项可统一规范为:(1)企业名称。(2)组织形式。(3)经营范围。(4)资本额。(5)住所。(6)负责人(法定代表人)。(7)股东或合伙组织者合伙人姓名、住所或居所、出资种类、数额及出资或合伙协议。其他取得商事主体资格的具体条件由商事主体法加以规定。变更、注销登记以及分支机构登记也同理可推。11、应对商事登记档案的分类、内容、保管、灭失及对外使用等做进一步详细规定。12、商事登记时限应缩短为10天为宜。
[Abstract]:Commercial registration (called enterprise registration in our country) is the legal system of creating commercial subject. It has already begun to appear in Italy and Mediterranean area in the middle ancient times. But the modern commercial registration system was born in 1861, the ordinary German commercial code. Our country has. In 1937, the National Government formally enacted the commercial registration law similar to Germany and Japan. After the founding of New China, China has basically formed a relatively complete legal system of commercial registration. However, with the development of market economy and the change of international situation, it has become increasingly clear that the legislation is scattered, the content is overlapping and contradictory, and the efficiency is low. Problems such as excessive discretion of administrative organs, and our country's more than 50 years of enterprise registration legislation experience and registration practice, It has provided the basic conditions of legal practice and legislative technology for the systematic legislation. With the initial establishment of the modern enterprise system, the company system has become the basic direction of the future development of enterprises in our country. The formulation of uniform Commercial Registration Law is urgent and has the condition of legislation. WP=3. In view of this, I put forward the following legislative proposal: 1. We should establish the guiding ideology of commercial registration legislation of "based on our own country, drawing lessons from foreign countries, emphasizing the commonality of commercial subjects, emphasizing procedures, and emphasizing efficiency", and in terms of legislative style, Systematic legislation is the only choice of commercial registration legislation. The scope of commercial subject that needs commercial registration should be enterprises engaged in commercial acts (or business activities). Exclusion of individual industrial and commercial households .4. the examination should adopt compromise examination.5. the jurisdiction of commercial registration should be relatively centralized, divided by legal person registration and business registration, and the provincial registration authority should be responsible for enterprise legal person registration; The local (municipal) registration authorities shall be responsible for business registration; the State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be responsible for the formulation of laws, regulations and work instructions, and shall not directly engage in registration affairs .6. the registration authority shall only examine and verify whether the name of the enterprise is renamed, Whether there is any apparent unfair competition or inappropriate behavior, and to strengthen the protection of well-known, famous trade names and trademarks, the protection of which is industry-wide and cross-regional. Disputes over similar enterprise names are referred to the courts for settlement. The competent registration authority shall, in accordance with the ruling of the court, exercise the right of rescission of the name of the enterprise .7, and the registered items announced by the court shall have legal effect .8. it is clear that the registration official shall bear personal responsibility for his own registration affairs and that the commercial registration shall be effective against the third party. Including online registration, The legal effect of the Electronic Business license. 10. The registration items can be unified and standardized as: 1) name of the enterprise. 2) form of organization. 3) scope of business. 4) Capital. 5) domicile. 6) person in charge (legal representative. 7) shareholder or partner of the partnership organizer. The domicile or domicile, the type and amount of capital contribution, and the contribution or partnership agreement. Other specific conditions for obtaining the qualification of a commercial subject shall be stipulated in the Law on Commercial subjects. The cancellation of registration and the registration of branch offices can also be pushed forward. 11. The classification, content, custody, loss and use of commercial registration files should be further specified in detail. The time limit for commercial registration should be shortened to 10 days.


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