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发布时间:2018-04-07 17:26

  本文选题:无单放货 切入点:案件 出处:《华东政法学院》2002年硕士论文

【摘要】:海事审判实践中对无单放货案件的审理没有形成统一准则,致使航运实务界无所适从。本文的写作目的在于通过对此类案件分类梳理,找出审理这类案件的裁判基础,以利于统一裁判准则的形成。 本文第一章主要是对涉及无单放货的案件进行分类,并通过对典型案例的回顾,对无单放货案件裁判基础认识的演进情况进行评析,概述司法实践中无单放货案件审理的现状。 第二章是通过对无单放货案件的概念、产生的原因进行分析,明确法律调整的目的所在,从而导出无单放货案件裁判的指导思想应是严格禁止无单放货这一结论,意在对审理无单放货案件有一个宏观把握。 第三章是本文的重点,主要是对审理提单持有人起诉承运人这一典型无单放货案件的裁判基础进行分析,并在此基础上对若干实务问题进行分析说明。本章第一节从解读《中华人民共和国海商法》第七十一条设定两个承运人交货保证条款入手,说明提单代表一种法定制度,这一制度的主旨是维护提单的可转让性,以保证国际贸易的运行。第二节是对提单不是物权凭的阐述。第三节是论述了提单的缮制签发产生两个法律关系变动,一是托运人与承运人运输合同交货方式条款的确定;二 是提单持有人与承运人海上货物运输合同关系的确立。第四节通过论证承运人应凭 正本提单放货的法律根据是合同义务这一前提,得出提单持有人对承运人无单放货 行为不能适用侵权行为规范,只能依据提单规定提起合同之诉这一结论。第五节是 基于上述对典型无单放货案件裁判基础的分析,对审判实务中的案由、法律适用、 主体、责任限制、承运人对履约辅助人(雇用人、代理人、使用人等)职务范围内 的行为或不行为所造成的损害责任、提单持有人的举证责任、诉讼时效、提单海上 货物运输合同关系与国际货物买卖合同关系、结算合同关系之间的关系、记名提单 不应凭提单交货等问题作了分析说明。 第四章是在适用中国法律前提下,对审理其他类型涉及无提单交货案件的裁判 基础及若干实务问题进行简要分析。首先确定提单持有人相对于除了承运人以外的 其他非法处分提单项下货物,,导致其凭提单无法提货的行为人,只拥有物上请求权、 不当得利请求权和侵权行为损害赔偿请求权三种请求权,进而分别对这三种请求权 的请求权基础进行了分析。在分析的基础上,就法律适用、诉讼时效、实际承运火’ 在承运人无单放货案件中的责任、实际承运人自行无提单交付货物的责任、承运人 的代理人在无提单交付货物案件中的责任、港口经营人自行交付货物的责任、提单 持有人起诉提货人、保函无提单交货情况下承运人的请求权基础等若干审判实务中 的热点问题作了简要的分析说明。 通过上述论证可以看出,目前法院受理的无单放货案件法律关系复杂,请求权 基础多样。法院审理无单放货案件,必须首先确定案件所涉法律关系的性质,进而 找出相应的请求权基础。在此,对提单的性质有一个客观统一的认识非常重要。作 者希望本文的研究能对规范我国无单放货案件的审理有所帮助。
[Abstract]:In the practice of maritime trial , there is no uniform criterion for the trial of non - single discharge cases , which leads to the omnipotence of shipping practice . The purpose of this paper is to find out the basis of judging such cases by sorting out such cases , so as to facilitate the formation of uniform judgment criteria .

The first chapter of this paper is mainly about the classification of cases involving non - single discharge , and through the review of typical cases , the paper analyzes the evolution of the decision - based recognition of non - order - free cases , and summarizes the current situation of the trial of non - single - discharge cases in judicial practice .

In the second chapter , the author analyzes the reasons of the non - single discharge cases and makes clear the aim of the legal adjustment , so that the guiding ideology of the judgment of the case without single discharge should be strictly prohibited from the conclusion of the non - order release , and it is intended to have a macro understanding of the case of non - single discharge .

Chapter Three is the focus of this paper , which is mainly to analyze the referee basis of the typical non - single discharge cases brought by the holder of the bill of lading to the carrier , and analyze the practical problems . The first section of this chapter begins with the interpretation of Article 71 of the Maritime Law of the People ' s Republic of China . The main purpose of this chapter is to maintain the negotiable nature of the bill of lading .

It is the establishment of the relationship between the holder of the bill of lading and the carrier ' s carriage of sea goods . Section IV demonstrates that the carrier should rely on

The legal basis of the delivery of the original bill of lading is based on the obligation of the contract , and it is concluded that the holder of the bill of lading has no single discharge to the carrier

The act does not apply to the normative acts and can only bring the conclusion of the contract in accordance with the bill of lading . Section V is

based on the analysis of the basis of the above - mentioned judgment basis for typical non - single discharge cases , the case in the trial practice is applicable ,

Subject , Limitation of Liability , Carrier ' s Position in the Scope of Performance Auxiliary ( Hire , Agent , Use , etc . )

Liability for damages caused by acts or omissions of bill of lading , proof of proof of holder of bill of lading , statute of limitation , bill of lading

Relationship between contract relationship of goods transportation and international goods purchase and sales contract , relationship between settlement contract relations and bearer bill of lading

The analysis and explanation should not be made on the basis of the delivery of the bill of lading .

The fourth chapter is to judge other types of cases involving the delivery of non - bill of lading , subject to the application of Chinese law

Based on a brief analysis of several substantive issues , it is first determined that the holder of the bill of lading is opposed to the carrier other than the carrier

if that other illegal dispose of the item under the single item causes it to be unable to deliver the goods on the basis of the bill of lading , it shall only have the right to claim on the goods ,

The right to claim and the right to claim damages for tort are three kinds of claim .

On the basis of the analysis , on the basis of the analysis , on the basis of the analysis , on the basis of the application of law , the limitation of action , the actual carriage of fire '

the liability of the actual carrier to deliver the goods without a bill of lading in the absence of a single order of lading by the carrier , the carrier

the duty of the agent to deliver the goods without a bill of lading , the responsibility of the port operator to deliver the goods by itself , the bill of lading ,

The holder sued the consignee , the guarantee letter did not have the delivery of the bill of lading , the carrier ' s claim basis and other judicial practice

A brief analysis was made on the hot - point problem .

As can be seen from the above - mentioned arguments , there is a complicated legal relationship between the court ' s acceptance of the non - order - free cases and the right to claim

The Court tried to determine the nature of the legal relationship between the cases and , in turn , to determine the nature of the legal relationship between the cases

It is very important to find out the basis of the corresponding claim right , and it is very important to have an objective and uniform understanding of the nature of the bill of lading .

The author hopes that the research in this paper can help us to regulate the trial of non - order - free cases in our country .



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