发布时间:2018-04-21 19:24
本文选题:尔曼 + 法律思想 ; 参考:《西南师范大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 第一部分教皇革命形成了西方法律传统 伯尔曼认为传统的历史分期方法、历史编纂方法是不科学的,这种方法忽略了一个重要的事实——西方历史在1050年至1150年发生了一个重要的断裂,近代西方以及西方法律传统从这里发端。教皇革命作为西方历史上第一次革命,将西方基督教世界分裂成两部分:教会和世俗共同体,教会法律体系和世俗法律体系由此产生。教会实际上是西方第一个近代国家,教会法律体系是第一个近代法律体系。世俗法律体系包括王室法、封建法、庄园法,城市法、商法,他们都是以教会法为样板,具有系统化的特征。法律科学的发达对教会法和世俗法的系统化起了很大的作用。西方法学是一种世俗神学。宗教的仪式,圣礼和学说作为西方法律体系的基本制度,概念和价值的渊源,对西方法学产生了巨大影响。大学的兴起,经院主义方法的广泛应用,对罗马法文本的广泛研究使得西方法律科学产生。教会是一个法治国,教会的社团性质意味着教权的法律性和受限制性,教职的选任和教会官僚体系的专门性和复杂性也构成对教会权力的制约,舆论也在一定意义上限制了教会权力。 毫无疑问,伯尔曼夸大了教皇革命的作用。他尤其夸大了格里高利7世改革的作用。法律和宗教的关系没有他想象中那么近,,今日的世界也没有他想象中那么悲观。历史不可被预言。法律观的形成应该是合力造成,教皇革命、教会法、经济、以及当时的哲学思潮、文化背景、甚至当时重要的历史人物的观点……这些都是形成西方法律传统的因素。马克思主义教会我们客观地看待问题,实事求是地分析问题、对待异己事物。对于伯尔曼思想中唯心的东西,我们应该明辨;对于那些发人深思的思想,我们应该重视、费心思量。 伯尔曼的法律思想研究 第二部分酣教教会法的历史贡献和今天的危机 三径就荒,松菊犹存。古罗马帝国的衰亡并不意味着古代优秀文化也跟着灭绝了。 历史学家们近来公正的研究证明了,正是基督教如一股瀑混溪流存续着人类文化的 精华。作为欧洲三大法律之一的教会法,在当时发展成凌驾于世俗法之上的权威法, 其适用范围超出了国界。作为古代法律文化经典的罗马法,正是通过教会法的桥梁 作用在中世纪得以存续。12世纪至15世纪罗马法的复兴,尤其有赖于教会法和教会 法学者的作用。 教会法的法律观念,伦理道德观念,权利义务观念,价值观念等,为后世的法学 理论打上了深深的烙印,并直接影响到西方各国的立法和司法制度。尤其在婚姻家 庭关系、刑罚、诉讼法、国际法等方面的法律原则和制度上强烈地影响了宗教改革 后的新教会法和世俗法。 尽管教会法在本质上是反民主、反法治的,因封建王权的衰落与分散而兴盛,因 教会的R益腐败以及教会法对世俗法的蔑视和凌驾而衰弱。但这并不意味着基督教 及其教会法对西方法律的影响中断,历史并没有否定教会法的全部。 伯尔曼本能地直觉到西方法律传统面临危机,这种危机的表现是宗教信仰和法律 信仰的双重失落。他认为法律和宗教之间源于传统的密切纽带断裂了。法律维系着 时下的社会,宗教帮助人类面对未来的世界;法律要赢得人们的衷心拥戴需要宗教, 因为宗教可以唤起人们满怀的激情,而宗教需要的程序、组织又离不开法律。伯尔 曼痛苦于宗教与法律截然分离这一900年古老的传统的破产,他提出法律的新纪元 应该是综合。他盼望新的全人类的法律和全人类的宗教的产生,他寄希望于未来, 呼唤一个新的天堂和新的尘世的到来。人类的共同法已备雏形,世界主义的幻想并 非遥遥无期,具有普遍意义的共同法曾经在历史上存在过。总之,设想建立一种以 文明国家之共同原则为基础的文明人类的共同法是我们今天的希望。
[Abstract]:The first part of the pope ' s revolution formed the western legal tradition
As the first revolution in western history , the church law system is the first modern legal system . The church is the first modern country in the West . The church law system is the first modern legal system .
There is no doubt that Berman exaggerates the role of the Pope ' s revolution . He exaggerates the role of the reform of Gregory 7 . The relationship between law and religion is not so pessimistic in his imagination . History cannot be predicted . The formation of a legal view should be a combination of the resultant forces , the Pope ' s revolution , the church law , the economy , and the then philosophical thoughts , cultural backgrounds , and even the important historical figures .
For those who thought of thought , we should pay more attention to the thought of thinking .
A Study of Berman ' s Legal Thought
The second part of the history contribution of the church law and the crisis today
A three - path famine , a loose chrysanthemum , the decline of the ancient Roman Empire did not mean that the ancient elite culture followed the extinction .
Historians ' recent studies have proved that it is Christianity , such as a stream of mixed streams , that continues to be a human culture .
As one of the three laws in Europe , the church law was developed into an authority over the secular law ,
Its scope of application is beyond the borders of state . As the classical Roman law of ancient legal culture , it is the bridge through church law
The revival of Roman law from the 12th century to the 15th century , especially on the church law and the church .
Law scholar ' s role .
The legal concept of church law , the idea of ethics , the concept of rights and obligations , the value concept and so on , are the law of the future .
The theory is deeply branded and directly affects the legislative and judicial system of western countries , especially in marriage .
The legal principles and systems of court relation , penalty , procedure law and international law strongly influence religious reform
The new church law and secular law .
Although the church law is in essence anti - democracy and anti - rule of law , because of the decline and dispersion of the feudal lords ,
The church ' s R ' s corruption and the church law ' s contempt for and abuse of the secular law , but this does not mean Christianity
The influence of church law on western law is interrupted , history does not deny all of the church law .
Berman ' s instinct is intuitive to the western legal tradition facing a crisis that is characterized by religious beliefs and laws .
The double loss of belief . He believed that the legal and religious stem from the traditional close ties broke . The law was maintained .
The society at the time of religion helps mankind to face the world in the future ;
The law must win people ' s heartfelt support for the need of religion ,
Because religion can arouse people ' s passion , and the procedure of religious needs is inseparable from the law .
Man is suffering from the separation of religion and law from the 900 - year - old tradition of bankruptcy , and he put forward a new era of law
Should be comprehensive . He looked forward to the new universal law and the generation of all human religions , and he looked forward to the future ,
Call a new paradise and the arrival of new dust . The common law of mankind has been embryonic and world - oriented .
A common law with universal significance was once in history . In short , it is envisaged to establish a way to
The common law of civilized human beings based on the common principles of civilized nations is our hope today .
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1 李进;英国现代法制变革中的伟大法官[D];复旦大学;2009年