本文选题:公司自治 + 司法干预 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 新《公司法》秉承了公司自治的商事精神,注重彰显股东自治与公司自治,使得任意性规范的适用范围得以拓宽与延展,但同时,为了有效规范公司自治的行为,又增加了司法介入公司运作的空间。可见公司法在应然层面上对于公司自治与司法干预的平衡上作出了具体的法律规范。然而,在实然层面上,丰富多彩的生活画面远非公司法的几百个条文所能全部摄取,正是在此意义上来看,公司自治与司法干预实际上存在着动态的不均衡。基于此考虑,笔者以公司自治与司法适度干预作为研究对象,以二者之间存在的冲突现象作为研究视角,寻求二者在司法实践中的衡平之道。 首先,文章对公司自治的内涵与实质进行分析,揭示出公司自治的理论基础在于私法自治原则和公司合同理论,其表现形式主要在于公司具有独立的法人人格和完备的公司章程。立法与司法对公司的独立人格与公司的意思自治应当给予一定的尊重,这也符合市场经济发展的要求。 其次,文章认为,公司作为法人主体,其民事行为要受到民法上权利不得滥用原则的限制,此表现在公司制度中就要求国家权力对公司自治加以限制。从广义上来说,公司自治与国家干预之间存在对立统一的关系,因为法律不仅仅只关注个体权利的保障,同时也更加注重对个体权利行使过程中的非理性行为进行约束和控制,更加注重社会本位。反映在实践的层面上,司法干预对于具体纠纷需采取个案裁判的方式解决,因此司法干预应当准确把握公司法的属性,精确解读公司法则,并坚持适度原则,从而才能将公司自治与司法干预之间存在的冲突关系实现动态的平衡。 再次,考虑到公司自治与司法干预之间存在的互动关系,作为裁判机关应当强调司法有限介入的审判理念,树立利益衡量的裁判理念,并遵循公司自治为主、司法干预为辅,程序性干预为主、实体性干预为辅,商法规则优先适用、民法规则补充适用等规则,对二者之间的关系作出衡平,否则,无论是公司自治的权利延伸,还是司法权利的无限扩张,都将对整个社会造成极大的侵害。 最后,针对司法实践的多样性,文章区分有限公司和股份公司、任意性规范与强制性规范以及公司内外部关系等不同方面,试图对公司自治与司法适度干预在实践中应如何衡平作出了相应的解析和构想,旨在寻求裁判的统一性和完整性。
[Abstract]:The new Company Law adheres to the commercial spirit of corporate autonomy, pays attention to showing shareholder autonomy and corporate autonomy, which widens and extends the scope of application of arbitrariness norms, but at the same time, in order to effectively regulate the behavior of corporate autonomy, It also increases the space for judicial intervention in the operation of the company. It can be seen that the company law has made specific legal norms on the balance between corporate autonomy and judicial intervention. However, on the practical level, the rich and colorful picture of life is far from the hundreds of articles of the Company Law. It is in this sense that there is a dynamic imbalance between corporate autonomy and judicial intervention. Based on this consideration, the author takes corporate autonomy and judicial moderate intervention as the object of study, and takes the conflict between them as the research angle to seek the way of balance between them in judicial practice. First of all, this paper analyzes the connotation and essence of corporate autonomy, and reveals that the theoretical basis of corporate autonomy lies in the principles of private law autonomy and corporate contract theory. Its manifestation mainly lies in the company has the independent legal person personality and the complete company charter. The legislation and judicature should respect the independent personality of the company and the autonomy of the company, which is also in line with the requirements of the development of the market economy. Secondly, the article holds that the civil behavior of a company as a legal person is restricted by the principle of non-abuse of rights in the civil law, which is reflected in the requirement of the state power to restrict the autonomy of the company in the corporate system. In a broad sense, there is a unity of opposites between corporate autonomy and state intervention, because the law not only pays attention to the protection of individual rights, but also pays more attention to the restriction and control of irrational behaviors during the exercise of individual rights. Pay more attention to social standard. On the practical level, judicial intervention should be solved by case adjudication for specific disputes. Therefore, judicial intervention should accurately grasp the attributes of company law, accurately interpret the company law, and adhere to the principle of moderation. In order to achieve a dynamic balance between the conflict between corporate autonomy and judicial intervention. Thirdly, considering the interactive relationship between corporate autonomy and judicial intervention, as the judicial organs should emphasize the limited judicial intervention of the trial concept, set up the interests of the judgment concept, and follow the corporate autonomy as the main, judicial intervention as a supplementary, Procedural intervention is the main, substantive intervention is secondary, commercial law rules are applied first, civil law rules supplement application and other rules, the relationship between them is balanced, otherwise, whether it is the extension of the right of corporate autonomy, Or the unlimited expansion of judicial rights, will cause great damage to the whole society. Finally, in view of the diversity of judicial practice, the article distinguishes the limited company from the joint-stock company, the arbitrary norm and the mandatory norm, as well as the internal and external relations of the company, and so on. This paper attempts to analyze and conceive how to balance corporate autonomy and judicial moderate intervention in practice in order to seek the unity and integrity of adjudication.
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