本文选题:诚实信用原则 + 价值解析 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:在民商法领域有学者将诚实信用原则称为“帝王条款”,也有学者称之为理念的“幽灵”。作为一条基本原则,诚实信用原则对于民商法领域理论的发展具有重要意义,是许多理论产生、形成的基础,也是许多理论发展、完善的动因。尤其是在合同法领域,诚实信用原则的作用体现的更是淋漓尽致,缔约过失责任、情势变更原则、合同的附随义务都是其制度上的具体体现。特别是在古典契约理论面临存亡危机之时,以诚实信用原则为理念依托构建现代契约理论将是一个全新的课题,关系契约理论的打造便是一个很好的例证。 诚实信用原则在合同法的实践应用过程中也起到了非常大的作用。从缔约前到履约后,从合同解释到合同变更,从主合同义务到附随义务,诚实信用原则的地位都是无可替代的。缔约过失责任的确立、诚信解释规则的运用、合同信赖利益的保护等等,都无一不影射出诚实信用原则的存在价值。 选择诚实信用原则,并以其为切入点,完善现代契约理论,不仅是理论构建和创新之所需,同时也是实践运行和发展之所求。所以,对这一论题进行系统而又深刻的阐释,具有十分深远的意义。有鉴于此,我选择了这一论题,希冀在此做一有益的尝试。 本文从诚实信用原则的语义解析及渊源考察入手,分别于合同法诚实信用原则的价值再造、信赖与信赖利益研究两个层面展开,,深入的论述了以诚实信用原则为核心理念的现代关系契约理论的构建。
[Abstract]:In the field of civil and commercial law, some scholars call the principle of good faith "imperial clause" and some scholars call it "ghost" of idea. As a basic principle, the principle of good faith is of great significance to the development of the theory in the field of civil and commercial law. It is the basis of the emergence and formation of many theories, as well as the motivation for the development and perfection of many theories. Especially in the field of contract law, the function of the principle of good faith embodies incisively and vividly. The principle of fault in contracting, the principle of circumstance change and the collateral obligation of contract are all the concrete embodiment of its system. Especially when the classical contract theory is facing the crisis of existence and death, it will be a new subject to construct the modern contract theory based on the principle of good faith, and the establishment of the relationship contract theory is a good example. The principle of good faith also plays a very important role in the practice and application of contract law. From pre-contracting to performance, from contract interpretation to contract change, from main contractual obligation to collateral obligation, the position of the principle of good faith is irreplaceable. The establishment of fault liability in contracting, the application of rules of good faith interpretation, the protection of contract trust interest, etc., all of them insinuate the existence value of the principle of good faith. Choosing the principle of good faith and taking it as the starting point to perfect the modern contract theory is not only the need of theoretical construction and innovation but also the demand of practical operation and development. Therefore, the systematic and profound interpretation of this thesis is of great significance. In view of this, I chose this topic, hoping to do a useful attempt here. This paper begins with the semantic analysis and origin investigation of the principle of good faith and credit, and starts from two aspects, namely, the reconstruction of the value of the principle of good faith in contract law and the study of trust and trust interest. This paper deeply discusses the construction of modern relationship contract theory based on the principle of good faith.
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