[Abstract]:The biggest difference between the administrative law and other legal departments is that the administrative organ, as one party to the administrative law, has state power and is the administrator; the opposite party is a citizen, a legal person or other organization, and does not have state power. It's the manager. This determines the nature of administrative law with different times, different countries have different regulations on the status of administrative law subjects, but not as stable as the essence of civil and commercial law which adjusts the relationship between equal subjects. In an era and a country that emphasizes the dominant position of administrative organs and the subordinate status of citizens, the essence of administrative law can only be manifested as "administrative law", which is characterized by administrative organic law and administrative behavior law as the center. Lack of administrative procedure law and administrative supervision law, there is no administrative procedure law and state compensation law. In an era and a country where civil rights are emphasized and administrative arbitrariness is feared, the essence of administrative law may be manifested as "controlling power law", which is characterized by that the purpose of administrative law is mainly to control executive power and protect civil rights. The law of management and the law of control over power are both the products of a specific era, although they have their progressive functions under certain historical conditions, they all have obvious bias.
【作者单位】: 北京中联律师事务所
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