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发布时间:2018-11-02 12:39
【摘要】:在市场经济中,企业是最重要的资源拥有者和交易主体,具有前所未有的经营规模和财富创造力,在社会经济生活中举足轻重。但市场经济是残酷的竞争经济,市场如战场,没有常胜的将军。受2008年全球性金融危机的影响,世界范围内的企业,尤其是一些上市公司、巨头公司,都面临着困境和破产的考验。因此,如何通过有效的重整措施挽救破产企业的经济困境就成为各国商法界关注的重要课题。 2007年我国新《破产法》正式颁布实施,其第八章规定了破产重整制度,重整的引入成为一大制度创新。但我国对破产重整制度的研究仍在初期阶段,各地企业重整的实践还都在摸索中前行。我们在适用《破产法》第八章重整制度的实践过程中发现,现行法律仍然存在一些不足和纰漏,尤其是在破产重整中如何调整出资人的权益尚未给予充分重视。笔者从我国破产重整的典型案例出发,试图找出实践操作中对出资人权益进行调整所存在的法律障碍,并通过对具体方式、程序等方面的探讨予以解决这些法律困境。 本文的基本结构为: 第一部分,我国破产重整的经典案例回顾及评析。通过介绍郑百文案、浙江海纳案、五谷道场案三个经典的破产重整案例,找出在破产重整的过程中出资人权益调整存在的法律困境,并为正文的探讨做下铺垫。 第二部分,我国破产重整中出资人权益调整的内涵。该部分为理论概述部分,首先对出资人权益以及出资人权益调整的内涵进行了界定,然后对出资人权益调整的依据进行了分析。 第三部分,我国破产重整中出资人权益调整的具体方式。该部分通过介绍股权转让、增资扩股、债转股、股份回购、股权拍卖这五种调整出资人权益的具体方式,分析其在破产重整过程中对出资人权益进行调整时适用的合理性、合法性。 第四部分,我国破产重整中出资人权益调整的程序规则。鉴于“强制调整标准”对出资人权益调整的程序规则具有指导作用,故本文将出资人权益调整的标准放在此部分研究。接下来对重整计划中关涉出资人权益的一系列程序规则进行了详细的介绍。 第五部分,结语。
[Abstract]:In the market economy, the enterprise is the most important owner of resources and the main body of transaction, which has unprecedented scale of operation and wealth creativity, and plays an important role in the social and economic life. But the market economy is a cruel competitive economy, the market is like a battlefield, there is no general. Affected by the global financial crisis in 2008, enterprises around the world, especially some listed companies, giant companies, are faced with difficulties and bankruptcy test. Therefore, how to save the economic plight of bankrupt enterprises through effective reorganization measures has become an important issue of commercial law circles in various countries. In 2007, the new bankruptcy Law was promulgated and implemented in China. Chapter VIII of the bankruptcy reorganization system stipulates the bankruptcy reorganization system, and the introduction of reorganization has become a major institutional innovation. However, the research on bankruptcy reorganization system is still in the initial stage, and the practice of enterprise reorganization is still in the process of exploration. In the course of applying Chapter 8 reorganization system of bankruptcy Law, we find that there are still some shortcomings and flaws in the current law, especially how to adjust the rights and interests of investors in bankruptcy reorganization has not been paid enough attention to. Starting from the typical cases of bankruptcy reorganization in China, the author tries to find out the legal obstacles existing in the adjustment of the investors' rights and interests in practice, and to solve these legal difficulties through the discussion of specific ways and procedures. The basic structure of this paper is as follows: the first part, review and comment on the classic cases of bankruptcy reorganization in China. Through the introduction of three classic bankruptcy reorganization cases, Zheng Baiwen case, Zhejiang Haina case and Wugu Daochang case, the author finds out the legal difficulties existing in the adjustment of the investors' rights and interests in the process of bankruptcy reorganization, and paves the way for the discussion of the text. The second part, the connotation of investor's rights and interests adjustment in China's bankruptcy reorganization. In this part, the author defines the investor's rights and interests and the connotation of the investors' rights and interests adjustment, and then analyzes the basis of the investor's rights and interests adjustment. The third part, the specific way of investor's equity adjustment in bankruptcy reorganization of our country. Through introducing five specific ways of adjusting the investors' rights and interests, such as equity transfer, capital expansion, debt-to-equity conversion, share repurchase and stock auction, this part analyzes the rationality of the adjustment of the investor's rights and interests in the process of bankruptcy reorganization. Legitimacy. The fourth part, the procedure rule of investor's rights and interests adjustment in our country bankruptcy reorganization. In view of the fact that the compulsory Adjustment Standard has a guiding effect on the procedural rules of the investor's rights and interests adjustment, this paper puts the criteria of the investor's equity adjustment in this part of the study. Then a series of procedural rules concerning the rights and interests of the investors in the reorganization plan are introduced in detail. The fifth part, conclusion.


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