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发布时间:2018-01-29 22:58

  本文关键词: 第三人撤销之诉 既判力 权利救济 立法完善 出处:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In order to deal with the false litigation, to protect the substantive rights and interests of the third party who did not participate in the original litigation trial, but were adversely affected by the original trial judgment, at the same time. It also supplements the existing civil litigation relief system of protecting the rights and interests of the third party. After the amendment of the Civil procedure Law, the system of the third party's revocation is brought into the framework of our civil procedure law, and the system is established. Not only broaden the scope of theoretical research, but also play a role in promoting the perfection of procedural law in China. This paper intends to theoretically explain the meaning and theoretical basis of the third party's revocation action. By investigating and studying the current situation of foreign legislation and proceeding from the judicial reality of our country, this paper summarizes the obstacles to the realization of the function of the third party revocation system in our country, and puts forward the perfect path. The article will be in addition to the introduction and conclusion. Focus on four parts of the corresponding discussion and analysis: the first part mainly includes two aspects of the content, on the one hand, the third party to withdraw the system of action to define, clear its concept and characteristics. To distinguish it from the other third party relief system; On the other hand, through the analysis of the third party to withdraw the theoretical basis of action. The second part mainly analyzes the legal provisions of the major countries in the world from the perspective of comparative law. Thus further understanding of the third party revocation in the theoretical research and system construction. The third party revocation action was first established in France. Taiwan and Macao Special Administrative region are the early regions in our country. We can analyze the subject, object and procedure of the third party's revocation in these countries and regions. By analyzing the mature third party revocation of the system of construction mode. The third part through the current third party revocation of the system under the existing provisions of the functional obstacles to the exploration and analysis. Then from the legislative level and the practical level of the corresponding research, so as to reflect on the deficiencies of the third party revocation system in our country. In order to make the system play its due role. 4th part mainly on the basis of the mature experience of various countries and regions according to the specific judicial practice of our country put forward the corresponding improvement measures. It includes adjusting the legislative style of the system, enlarging the scope of the plaintiff, expanding the scope of the court of the case, establishing the standard of double prosecution period, coordinating the third party's revocation action with the other third party's relief system, and so on.


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