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发布时间:2018-04-20 13:12

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 公告送达 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:公告送达作为法定送达方式的一种,它发挥着连接法院和当事人、保障诉讼顺利进行和程序展开的重要作用。司法实践中,无论是公告送达的适用总量还是适用比例都很大,公告送达的信息传递功能发挥的不尽如人意,有效送达没有得到很好的体现,在很多时候法院都是简单的的程序化和模式化操作。时下,各地法院对公告送达的错误适用率不断攀升,在适用中没有充分考虑受送达人的真正利益,这不但损害了当事人的正当权利,同时法院的审判质量也受到极大影响,而且更有悖于程序正义。 目前,就民事送达制度这一论题的研究情况来看,国内还很缺乏对该问题的关注,但美国、德国和日本等国家和地区的制度规定的都较为系统和完善,其相关做法值得我国借鉴。鉴于我国在法律文化、法律意识和法治观念等方面都存在自身的特点,因此借鉴他国做法时时要对这些实际情况予以考虑。 本文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。 引言部分:简单的对送达和公告送达制度作了一个的梳理,指出公告送达实践中存在的问题,为下文分析原因和构建完善的制度打下基础。 正文部分:从四个部分展开研究,首先从公告送达的概念入手,分析公告送达的特征和基本价值,为接下来文章的书写做好理论铺垫;其次通过介绍国内民事公告送达制度的适用现状、存在的问题并分析其原因,对公告送达存在的种种问题的原因进行了重点阐述;再次通过考察比较域外有关公告送达制度的具体规定,并对其具体制度设计进行了比较,以便为我国民事诉讼中的公告送达制度提供参考;最后结合公告送达制度的自身特点和我国立法、司法实际状况,提出了在完善我国民事公告送达制度时应该首要遵循的原则,并对具体的制度设计作了列举,以弥补我国民事送达制度的立法规定,使之达到相对理想的境地。 结语部分:总结全文,指出解决我国公告送达存在的问题已经刻不容缓,对未来公告送达制度的完善充满希望。
[Abstract]:As a kind of statutory service, notice service plays an important role in connecting the court and the parties and ensuring the smooth progress of the lawsuit and the proceeding of the procedure. In judicial practice, both the applicable total amount and the applicable proportion of public notice service are very large, the information transmission function of public notice service is not satisfactory, and the effective service is not well reflected. In many cases, courts are simple procedural and patterned operations. At present, the false application rate of public notice service by local courts is constantly rising, and the true interests of the addressee are not fully considered in the application, which not only damages the legitimate rights of the parties, but also greatly affects the court's trial quality. And more contrary to procedural justice. At present, as far as the research on the civil service system is concerned, there is still a lack of attention to this issue in our country. However, the systems of the United States, Germany and Japan are relatively systematic and perfect. Its related practice is worth our country to draw lessons from. In view of the fact that our country has its own characteristics in legal culture, legal consciousness and concept of rule of law, it is necessary to consider these practical situations from time to time for reference from other countries. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. Introduction: the paper simply combs the system of service and notice service, points out the problems existing in the practice of public announcement service, and lays a foundation for the following analysis of the reasons and the construction of a perfect system. Body part: from the four parts of the study, first from the concept of notice service, analysis of the characteristics and basic value of notice service, for the next writing of the article to do a good theoretical groundwork; Secondly, by introducing the domestic civil notice service system of the application of the status quo, existing problems and analysis of its reasons, the reasons of the various problems in public notice service have been emphasized. Thirdly, through the investigation and comparison of the foreign specific provisions of the notice service system, and compared its specific system design, in order to provide a reference for the notice service system in civil proceedings in our country; Finally, according to the characteristics of the notice service system and the actual situation of legislation and judicature in our country, this paper puts forward the principles that should be followed when perfecting the service system of civil notice in China, and enumerates the concrete system design. In order to make up for the civil service system of our legislative provisions, make it to a relatively ideal situation. Conclusion: summing up the full text, pointing out that it is urgent to solve the problem of public notice service in our country, and full of hope for the perfection of the system of notice service in the future.


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