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发布时间:2018-05-14 23:33

  本文选题:强制措施 + 变更 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国刑事诉讼法中明确规定了刑事强制措施的主要功能之一是为了保障刑事诉讼能够顺利进行,但是法律为适应案件的动态变化以及保护当事人的正当权益又规定了强制措施变更制度,特别在新修改的刑诉法中有不少的法条都有涉及到强制措施的变更。但是在实践中关于强制措施变更的探讨还有待深入。本文旨在提出我国刑事强制措施变更中存在的诸多问题,然后分析其存在的原因,,最后提出一套在实践中具有可操作性的措施以及一些具体的完善建议。 本文分为三个部分,第一部分是对刑事强制措施变更含义的分析,介绍我国目前关于刑事强制措施变更含义的现状,然后从狭义和广义两个方面对强制措施变更的含义进行分析,并且分别对强制措施的各种变更情形进行分别定义,指出解除与撤销的区别;其次,对刑事强制措施变更的原则进行分析,分别有:法定、及时、便利、比例、人道主义等原则。最后阐述了刑事强制措施变更在司法实践中存在的意义。 第二部分是对我国强制措施变更中存在的问题和原因进行探讨和分析。本章从实体上和程序上对强制措施存在的问题进行描述,主要有公安机关适用强制措施变更程序存在很大的随意性,这种不合理的行为会对我国司法工作造成较大影响,严重影响到了法律的权威性,而且也容易对当事人的权利利造成了侵害;其次是检察机关在实践中没有发挥应有的作用,监督不到位,导致变更不及时;再次是我国强制措施变更的主体单一,不能有效相互制约;最后从立法、司法、观念、现实等四个方面分析其存在的原因,来保障诉讼顺利进行。 第三部分是对提出规范我国强制措施变更的方法和改革思路。本文在强调立法理念的重要性,同时也是完善我国强制措施变更的前提;同时也提出检察机关在司法实践中对刑事强制措施的监督应该实质化,以及一些配套的操作程序,这是本文中一些新的想法;最后建议应当扩大当事人的救济渠道和普及法治知识等。
[Abstract]:One of the main functions of criminal coercive measures is clearly stipulated in our criminal procedure law to ensure that criminal proceedings can be carried out smoothly. However, in order to adapt to the dynamic changes of cases and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, the law stipulates the system of change of coercive measures, especially in the newly revised Criminal procedure Law, there are many articles involving the change of coercive measures. However, in practice, there is still a need to explore the change of coercive measures. The purpose of this paper is to put forward many problems existing in the change of criminal coercive measures in our country, then analyze the reasons for their existence, and finally put forward a set of operable measures in practice and some concrete suggestions to improve them. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is the analysis of the meaning of the change of criminal coercive measures, and introduces the current situation of the change of the meaning of criminal coercive measures in China. Then from the narrow sense and broad sense of the meaning of the change of coercive measures are analyzed, and each of the changes of coercive measures are defined separately, pointing out the difference between rescission and revocation; secondly, The principles of the change of criminal coercive measures are: legal, timely, convenient, proportional, humanitarian and so on. Finally, it expounds the significance of the change of criminal coercive measures in judicial practice. The second part discusses and analyzes the problems and causes in the change of coercive measures in China. This chapter describes the problems existing in the coercive measures from the substantive and procedural aspects. There is a great deal of arbitrariness in the procedure of the public security organs applying the compulsory measures, and this unreasonable behavior will have a great impact on the judicial work of our country. It has seriously affected the authority of the law and easily infringed on the rights and interests of the parties; secondly, the procuratorial organs did not play their due role in practice, the supervision was not in place, and the changes were not timely; Thirdly, the main body of the change of coercive measures in our country is single, which can not effectively restrict each other. Finally, the author analyzes the reasons of its existence from four aspects: legislation, judicature, concept and reality, to ensure the smooth progress of litigation. The third part is to propose the method and the reform thought of standardizing the change of compulsory measures in our country. This article emphasizes the importance of the legislative idea and the premise of perfecting the change of compulsory measures in our country. At the same time, it also points out that the supervision of criminal coercive measures by procuratorial organs in judicial practice should be substantial, as well as some supporting operational procedures. This is some new ideas in this paper. Finally, it is suggested that the relief channels and knowledge of the rule of law should be expanded.


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