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发布时间:2018-08-19 18:24
【摘要】:我国新民事诉讼法将小额诉讼程序正式纳入现行法律范畴内,该程序是以提高办案效率促进司法服务大众为目的建立起来的,有别于普通程序和简易程序而独立运作的诉讼程序。该程序的确立对我国诉讼体系的完善,与国际司法改革的接轨都具有深远意义。但从新民诉法修订意见征求稿到新民诉法正式颁布施行,有关小额诉讼程序的争论在业界一直未有停息,且新法对此程序的规定较笼统模糊,司法实践中存在社会认知度低、适用率低、操作不统一等问题。为解决上述问题,笔者希望通过撰写此文,以实例来论证我国现行小额诉讼程序存在的可取性及弊端,结合国外多国小额诉讼程序的优缺点以及我国司法现状,从简化司法程序、确保司法公正、防止滥讼三方面着手,以期完善现行我国小额诉讼程序的相应规定、服务司法。 本文主要通过分析宁波市北仑区人民法院2013年1月至6月期间受理的小额诉讼案件,以及与其他诉讼程序案件之间存在的差异等进行比较,特别是对比较典型的物业服务合同纠纷案件从多角度予以量化,,从中不难得出小额诉讼程序有其自身的优点,也存在不容忽视的司法问题亟待解决。结果国外经验,提出具体改善措施,以期使小额诉讼程序更完善。
[Abstract]:The new civil procedure law of our country formally brings the small claims procedure into the scope of the current law. The procedure is established for the purpose of improving the efficiency of handling cases and promoting the judicial service to the public. A procedure that operates independently of ordinary and summary proceedings. The establishment of this procedure is of great significance to the perfection of our litigation system and to the international judicial reform. However, from the draft of the revised opinions of the New Civil Action Law to the formal promulgation and implementation of the New Civil procedure Law, the debate on the small claims procedure has not stopped in the industry, and the provisions of the new law on this procedure are relatively general and vague, and there is a low degree of social awareness in the judicial practice. The application rate is low, the operation is not uniform and so on. In order to solve the above problems, the author hopes to prove the desirability and malpractice of the current small claims procedure in our country by writing this article, combining the advantages and disadvantages of the small claims procedure in many foreign countries as well as the judicial status quo of our country. From the three aspects of simplifying judicial procedure, ensuring judicial justice and preventing litigation abuse, the author hopes to perfect the corresponding provisions of the current small claims procedure in our country and serve the administration of justice. This paper mainly analyzes the small lawsuit cases accepted by the Beilun District people's Court of Ningbo City from January to June 2013, as well as the differences between them and other procedural cases. In particular, it is not difficult to quantify the typical dispute cases of property service contract from various angles. It is not difficult to draw the conclusion that the small claims procedure has its own advantages, and there are also some judicial problems that can not be ignored to be solved. Results Foreign experience and specific improvement measures were put forward in order to improve the small claims procedure.


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