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发布时间:2018-09-11 21:18
【摘要】:近年来,经济高速发展,民事冲突不断,尤其是普通民众的小额纠纷,甚有越积越累之势,即使是已解决的纠纷,其满意度也并不高。而民事诉讼改革也从未间断,单从解决普通民众的小额事件,其程序就已有几个跨越式的发展,从上世纪九十年代江浙一带民事速裁程序到试点确定小额速裁程序,再到当今的小额诉讼程序,其已走过将近二十年的历程。从我国的司法现状和实践中的应对之策来看,其现实效果是有的,但效果不明显和持续时间较短的问题也渐渐显露出来。本文欲以我国小额程序在理论、制度和实践中存在的问题,对其从五个方面展开论述,并构建起适合法院开展工作的审判模式。 引言部分主要是提出问题。将我国的司法现状进行了简要分析,得出我国面临的司法公正问题,然后就此问题展开对民事司法程序的论述,尤其是基层法院的司法程序现状,在实践和制度层面,聚焦公正问题,然后一步步深入探讨我国的司法改革的做法,并就其从理论和实践进行分析,由此得出本文需要研究的立法和实践的落实问题。 第一部分是考察发达国家的小额程序。就美国、德国、日本的小额程序进行详细研究,并针对各国不同的制度规定,考量其法系背景,进行总结归纳,以方便我国小额程序在构建过程中进行借鉴。 第二部分是研究我国立法上的小额程序。首先,就我国小额程序在立法上的规定展开论述,其次,由于其分属简易程序,也对其与简易程序的区别进行了讨论,最后,紧承上一部分,,对我国的小额程序与美德日发达国家的小额程序进行了比较分析,并由此反思了我们可以学习的制度规定。 第三部分是研究我国实践中的小额程序。选取了我国北京、上海、浙江几个经济发达地区,以其小额程序的最新运行情况进行研究,同时对其在具体制度方面进行了异同分析,再结合具体背景,对其可以予以完善的制度规定进行了探讨性分析。 第四部分是试图构建出完善的小额程序。分别从程序定位、程序运作和制度保障三个方面着手,对小额程序的的运行进行了全方位的设计,同时回应前几部分提出的理论、制度和实践问题,并进行一一解答。当然,对于需要实践论证的问题,此部分也并未躲闪,有予以直视。希望之后的数据能进行论证落实。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, civil conflicts, especially the small disputes of ordinary people, have the tendency to accumulate more and more tired, even if the disputes have been resolved, their satisfaction is not high. And the reform of civil litigation has never stopped. From solving the minor incidents of ordinary people alone, its procedures have developed by leaps and bounds, from the civil quick adjudication procedure in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the 1990s to the pilot determination of the small amount quick adjudication procedure. To today's small claims, it has gone through nearly 20 years of the process. From the point of view of the present situation of our country's judicature and the countermeasures in practice, there are some practical effects, but the problems of the effect is not obvious and the duration is short. Based on the problems existing in the theory, system and practice of the small amount procedure in our country, this paper discusses it from five aspects, and constructs a trial model suitable for the work of the court. The introduction is mainly to raise questions. This paper briefly analyzes the current situation of our country's judicature, and finds out the problem of judicial justice faced by our country, and then discusses the civil judicial procedure, especially the present situation of the judicial procedure in the grass-roots courts, in the practical and institutional aspects. Focus on the issue of justice, and then step by step to explore the practice of judicial reform in China, and from the theory and practice of analysis, from which we need to study the legislation and practice of the implementation of the problem. The first part is to investigate the small-scale program in developed countries. This paper makes a detailed study on the small amount program of the United States, Germany and Japan, and considers the background of its legal system in view of the different regulations of each country, so as to make it convenient for our country to use for reference in the construction process of the small amount program. The second part is to study the small amount procedure in legislation of our country. First of all, it discusses the legislative provisions of the small amount program in our country. Secondly, because it belongs to the summary procedure, it also discusses the difference between it and the summary procedure. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the small amount program of our country and that of the developed countries of virtue day, and then reflects on the regulations of the system that we can learn. The third part is to study the small amount program in our country practice. This paper selects several economically developed regions of Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang to study the latest operation of its micro-program, and analyzes its similarities and differences in the specific system, and then combines the specific background. The system regulations which can be perfected are discussed and analyzed. The fourth part is trying to build a perfect small program. Starting from three aspects of program orientation, procedure operation and system guarantee, the author designs the operation of small amount program in all directions, and responds to the theoretical, institutional and practical questions raised in the previous parts, and answers them one by one. Of course, for the need for practical proof of the problem, this part is not evasive, there is a direct look. It is hoped that the following data can be demonstrated and implemented.


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2 张怡;;速裁:实现正义的快捷方式——对北仑区人民法院速裁机制的考察[J];宁波大学学报(人文科学版);2007年06期

3 李浩;;民事程序选择权:法理分析与制度完善[J];中国法学;2007年06期




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