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发布时间:2018-01-12 02:03

  本文关键词:我国农村新型社区建设中土地流转法律问题研究 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农村新型社区 土地利用 流转 规划

【摘要】:党和国家一直高度重视“三农”问题,国务院连续多年以中央一号文件的形式要求加强“三农”建设,做好“三农服务”,在全国各地开展新农村运动,推动农村新型社区建设,建设成“生产发展,生活宽裕,乡风文明,村容整洁,管理民主”的新农村。在农村新型社区的建设过程之中,必将与农村土地发生紧密联系。如何处理好两者的关系,利用好农村土地,发挥土地的最大价值成为当务之急。在现有的法律制度框架内,我国在农村土地的立法方面一直保持着非常谨慎的态度,过分强调农村土地的稳定,担心农村土地的流转会动摇国家生存发展的根本。正是由于这种保守的立法思想,所以我国在土地流转上呈现出比较僵化的思想,与社会主义市场经济是不相一致的,与农村新型社区的建设也是相违背。 本文除去引言和结论以外,主要有四个部分:第一部分主要是分析和研究农村新型社区建设中土地流转的基础性理论,为下文的展开奠定基础。这些基础性理论主要包括农村新型社区理论、土地利用理论、土地发展权理论、农村新型社区建设与土地利用两者之间的逻辑关系。第二部分主要是分析和研究农村新型社区建设中土地流转存在的问题,通过文章的研究发现,我国现阶段在土地流转上存在的问题主要有五个,分别是农村土地所有权主体缺位、土地承包经营权流转受限、宅基地使用权流转受限、建设用地使用权流转受限和农村土地规划不足等五个问题。第三部分主要是分析和研究农村新型社区建设中土地流转问题的成因,通过文章的研究发现,原因主要集中在两个方面,首先是我国土地法律制度设计不合理,其次是政府监管管理。第四部分主要是根据上文指出的问题,有针对性地提出发展完善的原则和对策。从完善法律制度的角度来说,这些对策主要有以下五个方面,分别是确立农村村民的成员权,目的在于明确所有权的归属;加强土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权和建设用地使用权的流转;加强农村土地利用的规划,落实村级规划制度。 我国应当从国情出发,从法律制度上为农村土地利用松绑,加大农村土地的流转的同时,减少农民对土地的依赖性。只有法律制度为农地流转松绑,才能从根本上提高土地的利用效率,才能从根本上培养农村发展内源性力量,从而能够为农村新型社区的建设提供更多的支持。对于农村土地来说,主要可以分为承包经营地、宅基地和建设用地,如何从法律制度的设计上为这三大土地提供更多被利用的机会,增进农村地区的经济增长点,推动农村新型社区的建设成为当务之
[Abstract]:The party and state have always attached great importance to the issue of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", and the State Council has for many years called for strengthening the construction of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", doing a good job of "three rural services" and carrying out a new rural movement throughout the country in the form of the first document of the Central Committee. To promote the construction of new rural communities and build a new rural area with "productive development, comfortable living, civilized style of the countryside, clean and tidy villages, democratic management", and in the course of the construction of the new type of rural communities. How to deal with the relationship between them, how to make good use of rural land and give full play to the maximum value of land has become an urgent matter. Within the framework of the existing legal system. China has always maintained a very cautious attitude in the legislation of rural land, overemphasized the stability of rural land. Worry that the circulation of rural land will shake the foundation of the survival and development of the country. It is precisely because of this conservative legislative thought, so our country in the land transfer presents a relatively rigid thought. And socialist market economy is inconsistent with the construction of new-type rural communities is also contrary. In addition to the introduction and conclusions of this paper, there are four main parts: the first part is mainly to analyze and study the basic theory of land transfer in the construction of new rural communities. These basic theories mainly include the new rural community theory, the land use theory, the land development right theory. The second part is mainly to analyze and study the problems existing in the land circulation in the rural new community construction, through the research of this article found. There are five main problems in the land circulation in our country at the present stage, which are the absence of the main body of the rural land ownership, the limitation of the transfer of the land contractual management right and the restriction of the circulation of the right to use the homestead. The third part is mainly to analyze and study the causes of land transfer in the construction of new rural communities, through the study of the paper found. The reasons mainly focus on two aspects, first, the unreasonable design of our land legal system, and secondly, the government supervision and management. Part 4th is mainly based on the problems pointed out above. From the point of view of perfecting the legal system, these countermeasures mainly have the following five aspects, which are to establish the membership rights of rural villagers. The purpose is to define the ownership; Strengthen the transfer of land contractual management right, homestead use right and construction land use right; Strengthen rural land use planning, the implementation of village planning system. Our country should proceed from the national conditions, from the legal system for the rural land use release, increase the circulation of rural land, reduce the dependence of farmers on land. Only the legal system for the transfer of agricultural land. In order to fundamentally improve the efficiency of land use, can fundamentally cultivate the endogenous strength of rural development, so as to provide more support for the construction of new rural communities. For rural land. Mainly can be divided into contracted land, homestead and construction land, how to design the legal system for these three land to provide more opportunities to be used to enhance the economic growth point in rural areas. To promote the Construction of New Rural Communities


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